
With 20 years of manure separation expertise we offer a system capable of producing top quality bedding.

The Xpress distinguishes itself from other manure separation system by its ability to compress manure fiber without altering the fiber integrity. The Xpress’s fiber quality limits the amount of fiber becoming airborne as well as the amount of fiber sticking to the cow teats. The fiber resulting from these systems remains the best available comfort for your cows.

Key Features

  • Many configurations of the Cascading Roller Press System are available and its flexibility allows to process in 1 hour the daily manure output from 45 to 300 cows.
  • Depending on the number of compression steps and the system configuration the solid output dry matter rate can be up to 34%.
  • Each screen roller is driven by a low horsepower electrical motor (1.5 HP – 1.1 kW).
  • Two air balloons maintain constant pressure on rubber roller and ensure smooth operation.
  • Heavy-duty double tapered roller bearings for long lasting operation.
  • Easy access to the inside of the steel roller for fast cleaning.
  • Scraper made of a one-piece of ½" (13 mm) thick UHMW to remove fiber mat from the surface of the screen roller.
  • Easy cleaning non-sticking stainless steel chute.
  • When having a dewatering treatment, the XPress can be equipped with an ultrasonic sensor to monitor the level of manure in its hopper and adapt the speed of the primary roller press accordingly to maximize dry matter content of the output.

Functional Description


The XPress is used to reduce manure fiber moisture in order to produce bedding or compost depending on the configuration of the system. The Xpress is designed to work in conjunction with a Sloped Screen Separator or a Vertical Dewaterer when dewatering treatment is needed prior to the compression or with a Regulator Tank when manure is thick enough to be compressed without dewatering treatment.

Liquid extraction is done by compressing the fiber between two rollers, once, twice or three times depending on the dry matter rate required for specific purposes. The upper rubber roller squeezes the fiber against the second roller which is a stainless steel screen that allows remaining liquid to drain out.




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