Semi-Rigid Trailer - TR48 Series

The best from our directional spreaders available for many other applications.

Exclusively built for agricultural use, the semi-rigid trailer is designed to support a product equipped with its own rigid frame. The product must be installed permanently onto the frame of the semi-rigid trailer to distribute the weight evenly.

Power Steering System

The field proven hydraulic power steering system is unique in that it matches the turning angle of the tractor. The operator can disengage the power steering to improve stability while traveling on the road. When disengaged, the wheels are maintained parallel to the reservoir by means of heavy-duty compression springs.

  • Ensures a safer operation
  • Reduces damage to vegetation and eliminates strain on spreader hubs, axles and chassis.

Hydraulic Suspension

The superior quality of the hydraulic suspension allows for smoother travel over irregular terrain and reduces stress to the reservoir. Suspension cylinders are located close to the center of gravity of the reservoir. When the spreader is full, this unique design reduces excessive load variations on the draw bar and improves the tractor traction.

  • Rigid transaxles, in combination with suspension cylinders mounted close to the wheels, reduce the "rebound effect" commonly experienced on rough terrain.

Key Features

The TR48 Series comes either with 4, 6 or 8 wheels and can be equipped with these following features.

  • Manually or automatically operated double caliper brakes.
  • Wide selection of tire and wheel.
  • Powerhitch 3, 4 or 5.




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