High Pressure Piston Pumps

High Pressure Pumps - Ariete Series

The high pressure pumps are ideal for transfers of fluid inside the industrial plant, especially for viscous products.

High pressure pumps are capable of operating at a maximum working pressure of 600 bar. This type of piston pumps is ideal for viscous products, in fact, the choice of the pump to use varies according to the characteristics of the product and it is useful to contrast the pressure drop caused by a component installed downstream the plant.

Application fields

In case of working tomato paste, for example, the pump is put upstream the tubular exchanger which causes loss of pressure more than 50 bar.

Thanks to high pressure pumps it is also possible to operate a remote homogenizing stage, installed downstream the pump. Another typical aim of these pumps is to feed the spray dryer, machines for the spray drying of the liquid suspensions.In case of working tomato paste, for example, the pump is put upstream the tubular exchanger which causes loss of pressure more than 50 bar.   



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