Safe maintenance & commissioning

LoTo for GEA Aseptic D-tec® valves

LoTo solutions for our pneumatic seat valves offer you the right choice in any situation. Use an AIR LOCK to cut off the control air connection or replace the feedback system with a DISK LOCK to safely block valve action.

AIR LOCK for seat valves

Locks the air connection to the control top or actuator

  • Prevents the movement of the actuator
  • Not water hammer proof
  • Suitable for straight or angled air connections. Not suitable for pressed-in air connections

DISK LOCK for seat valves

Locking the movement of the actuator

  • Valve disk is fixed
  • Advanced solution – increased safety
  • In the event of a water hammer, the valve remains closed

D-tec® double chamber valve

  • With & without control top
  • Locking of main stroke via AIR LOCK or via DISK LOCK
    + 2 additional AIR LOCKs for the lifts + additional AIR LOCK for locking the steam inlet valve

Your safety, our priority

For maximum ease and reliability of planning and installation, LoTo solutions from GEA are now available for all valve types.
醸造所のバタフライバルブの DISK LOCK





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