Pet food

Taking pet food to a premium level

Pet food
Whatever your challenge is in pet food manufacturing, GEA technology and expertise can help you answer the latest market trends and growing consumer demands for new products, starting from ingredients’ processing up to production of dry and wet pet food, as well as ticking the packaging and automation boxes. Discover how.

Flexible pet food solutions

Pet owners often want to give their pets high quality, premium food, just as they would care for a child’s diet. Nutrition, process control and food quality are complex and sophisticated topics and in order to stay ahead in the competitive pet food market, you need reliable technology that enables you to benefit from new business opportunities and create new food formats. With roots that go back to the very start of the food processing industry, GEA is in the privileged position of having over 80 years’ experience. We have become true specialists in the areas we are active in, like spray and freeze drying, evaporation, filtration, meat preparation, extrusion and packaging for wet, dry pet food, treats and pet food ingredients.

Serving the pet food industry

Dog with owner

Each solution is tailored to specific process needs, factory conditions and business objectives. We design our equipment to boost process efficiency, while offering safety and flexibility in terms of product development. We have a unique understanding of the pet food market and have installed numerous complete lines worldwide, all developed hand-in-hand with customers. 

Our technology covers a multitude of pet food areas, including 

Whether you need a single machine to boost existing line performance or a complete solution for a new factory, GEA is the right partner for you.

ingrediënten voor dierenvoeding


Unleash the potential of freeze-dried pet food

In this webinar, we take you through the freeze-drying process for pet food, looking closely at its benefits and challenges.
Koeling & verhitting voor voedselprocessen

Koeling & verhitting voor voedselprocessen

Het antwoord op uw precieze temperatuureisen – natuurlijk

With safe and sustainable products and solutions our experts at GEA can help optimize cold chains. For better industrial refrigeration processes.
GEA's duurzame energieoplossingen

NEXUS - GEA's holistische engineeringoplossingen

Een unieke integratie van procesoplossingen en behoeften aan koeling en verwarming, die resulteert in een lager energieverbruik, zo laag mogelijke bedrijfskosten en een kleinere koolstofvoetafdruk.


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