Cryogenic gas processing
The effective treatment of natural gas requires reliable refrigeration systems that provide precise temperatures. Our process refrigeration solutions utilize GEA’s proven screw-compressor technology featured in our custom-engineered compressor packages and chiller systems.
GEA’s has a long and successful history of innovation and leadership in the design and production of world-class compressors, compressor packages and chillers. This track record provides customers with confidence that their cryogenic gas processing systems can be relied upon to deliver peak performance over the long haul.
These custom-engineered GEA compressor packages provide propane refrigeration. Top: This unit features a GEA model 1210GL screw compressor, operating at 1,600 HP. Bottom: This unit features a GEA model 2110GL screw compressor, operating at 3,000 HP.
Our proven capabilities with cryogenic processes include ethylene boil off gas liquefaction and ethylene cooling. GEA’s expertise also extends to cryogenic refrigeration, which is at the core of the natural gas liquefaction process.
Drawing from a large range of compressor capacities, GEA provides solutions for a wide range of plant sizes and application requirements.
Industry-leading natural gas processors worldwide utilize GEA solutions. After understanding your unique challenges and requirements, GEA draws from its global resources to provide you with the optimal, customized solution to meet your needs.
We invite you to view this video to learn about the features and advantages of GEA screw compressors:
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GEA gascompressoren zijn essentiële systeemcomponenten bij de winning en verwerking van olie en gas, in elektriciteitscentrales met gasturbines, in de chemische verwerking en talrijke andere industrieën.
Now available for Vi control, condition monitoring and more for GEA Grasso screw compressors
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Schroefcompressoren voor industriële koeling en airconditioning. Wij hechten bijzondere waarde aan energie-efficiëntie, betrouwbaarheid, kosten optimaliseren en duurzaamheid.
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