Real-time access to key parameters of your centrifuge
Operate smarter, not harder: Enhance your operations with engineered intelligence and monitor, automate and optimize your GEA separator or decanter for a more resource-efficient operation, enhanced product quality and insights into untapped productivity potentials.
Stay ahead of competition and unlock your full potential!
Don’t miss out on real-time monitoring, predictive maintenance, and process optimization. By connecting your equipment to our digital solutions, you gain operational insights, increased reliability, and reduced downtime.
GEA centrifuges have been IoT ready since 2021. Older centrifuges can usually also be retrofitted with the required sensors. Just reach out to your local GEA contact who will be happy to help you connect your centrifuge.
The portfolio of digital solutions for our centrifugal separators and decanter centrifuges is designed to elevate the performance of your operations through advanced insights into key process parameters, helping you to boost efficiency, reduce costs, and minimize downtime.
With solutions tailored for transparency and long-term operational stability, you can e.g. easily track energy consumption, optimize productivity, and ensure sustainability goals are met.
Our intuitive and user-friendly systems reduce manual tasks, enabling you to focus on what matters most: maximizing the potential of your equipment while ensuring consistent, high-quality output.
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Your 24/7 access to productivity-relevant operating parameters of your GEA centrifuge: You get a deep understanding of the performance of your centrifuge and can thus identify further potential savings in energy consumption as well as in the reduction of product losses.
GEA Intellicant – engineered intelligence to monitor, automate and optimize your sludge dewatering process.
GEA Marine Bowl Service offers clearly defined service levels with fixed pricing and bundles service expertise in a dedicated competence center.
Bedoeld om verschillende separatorprocessen automatisch te regelen, omvat de maritieme upgradekit van GEA extra software en een geavanceerde, gemakkelijk te monteren hardwarekit. Deze kit zorgt voor een aanzienlijke uitbreiding van de functionaliteit, zodat onze maritieme separatoren nog efficiënter en milieuvriendelijker worden.
Correctieve reparaties voor uw GEA-separatoren en decanters
GEA’s innovatieve proces is een mijlpaal in de voorbehandeling van biobrandstoffen zoals waterstofbehandelde plantaardige olie (HVO) en duurzame vliegtuigbrandstof (SAF). Door het bleekproces te elimineren, kunnen fabrikanten profiteren van enorme besparingsmogelijkheden: ruim 50% lagere bedrijfskosten en tot 12% minder CO2-emissies.
Klimaatverandering en een groeiende wereldbevolking zetten de energie-intensieve voedselindustrie onder toenemende druk om meer mensen te voeden zonder de planeet verder te belasten. George Shepherd, GEA's Global Technical Sustainability Manager, legt uit hoe GEA zijn technische knowhow gebruikt om verwerkers te helpen duurzamer te produceren en tegelijkertijd de productiviteit te verhogen.