The Turbo SSB is the new generation of slow rotating cleaners with the slotted spray ball format where the rotation speed is slowed down. This ensures a consistent cleaning result due to increased dwell time of the fan jets cleaning the tank wall.


  • Slow, Constant Rotation
  • Easy to maintain
  • Ball Bearing Free-Increased Service Life
  • High Efficiency Fan Jets
  • FDA conform
  • Available for tank safety system VARITOP®
  • Economic Flow Rates
  • Preferred mounting position: any


Wash fluid is directed through the slots on the rotating ball, producing independent strong fan jets giving total coverage. Each fan jet targets a specific area of the vessel. Ideal for burst rinsing or prolonged washing with instant, strong impact performance.


Ideally suited to low flow, low pressure applications where a slow constant rotation speed is required to give longer chemical dwell times for improved cleaning efficiency. The tried and tested design makes the units truly versatile across any industry sector. The units are suitable for cleaning small/medium size vessels and manufacturing equipment. Compact in design, effective in performance, they meet all hygienic design requirements, which makes them highly suitable for the pharmaceutical, and biotech industries as well as food, beverage and other hygiene.
The GEA TURBO SSB 75 offered a perfect balance of powerful cleaning action and sustainability.

Customer case

The Brewery Success Story with GEA TURBO SSB 75

How our french Partner CTRI and GEA improving Brewery Tank Cleaning with the GEA TURBO SSB 75

Verborgen kampioenen voor slimme tankreiniging.

Warmte, reinigingstijden en reinigingsmiddelen reduceren met de juiste types tankreiniger.
Hidden champions op veiligheidsgebied

Hidden champions op veiligheidsgebied

Hygiënische tankreinigingstechnologie werkt op plaatsen waar het oog niet zien kan. Maar deze technologie is van cruciaal belang voor de hygiënische veiligheid, duurzaamheid en houdbaarheid van onder andere voedingsmiddelen, dranken en farmaceutische producten. Het is daarom de moeite waard om deze voortdurend verderontwikkelde systeemcomponenten, en de waarde die ze hebben voor fabrikanten, werknemers, consumenten en het milieu, voor het voetlicht te brengen.



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