Single-seat Valves

FLOWVENT Divert valves

The master tool for all changeover functions: GEA FLOWVENT Divert valves are used for easy changeover solutions in hygienic applications.

The master tool for all changeover functions:

GEA FLOWVENT Divert valves are used for easy changeover solutions in hygienic applications.


For simple switching functions, there is only one seal separating the pipelines from each other. In the event of a possible seal failure, liquid can leak into the second pipeline. For this reason, divert valves are not suitable for separating incompatible media.


Divert valves are ideal for use in CIP supply and return lines. A typical application can also be found at the end of a valve block where the valves are installed as changeover valves between the process line and the drainage (e.g. during pushing out).

Technical data of the standard version

Recommended flow directionAgainst the closing direction
Material in contact with productAISI 316L
Material not in contact with productAISI 304
Seal material in contact with productEPDM, FKM
Ambient temperature0 to 45°C
Air supply pressure6 bar (87 psi)
Product pressure5 bar (73 psi)
Surface in contact with productRa ≤ 0,8 μm
External housing surfaceMatte
Control and feedback systemFLOWVENT Control top
Actuator typePneumatic actuator air / spring
Connection fittingsWelding end
IdentificationAdhesive label
Valve seat versionClamped seat ring



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