How GEA contributes to a sustainable dairy farming and agriculture sector
How can we master the transformation in agriculture together and make farming and milk production more sustainable? GEA has brought experts together in Berlin to discuss practical solutions for agriculture.
GEA acquires Northern Ireland-based agricultural software company CattleEye Ltd., adding a pioneering artificial intelligence system to its existing portfolio of solutions for dairy farms.
GEA and Unilever are collaborating to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the dairy industry with GEA's new manure enrichment system.
GEA has further improved the efficiency of its milking robot. Independent tests by the German Agricultural Society (DLG) confirm the DairyRobot R9500's excellent consumption values.
The GEA AutoDry technology, awarded a DLG gold medal, can reduce the use of antibiotics, promote animal welfare and reduce the workload on dairy farms.
With the autonomous feeding robot, GEA is consistently pursuing its focus on automation and digital solutions for more sustainable and resilient milk production.