Liquid Dosage

Parenteral/Intravenous Emulsion

In the life science sector, intravenous and parenteral emulsions can be used for nutritive therapy applications when a patient is unable to consume food or receive nutrition by vascular administration.

The emulsions consist of an oil, an emulsifier and a balanced blend of amino acids in a continuous phase of distilled water. To prevent serious side-effects and to enhance the physical stability of the emulsion, the droplet size of the oil must be kept small, usually below 0.6 µm with an average size of approximately 0.2 µm. 

High-pressure, multiple-pass homogenization is used to generate a small particle size emulsion with a narrow size distribution. The homogenized product may then be filtered and autoclaved at 110 °C, further reducing the overall particle size.

GEA recommends a homogenizer designed for 600 bar applications that’s equipped with a two-stage homogenization valve. Fully compliant with 3-A sanitary standards and both US FDA and cGMP guidelines, GEA homogenizers are suitable for aseptic and non-aseptic use and are designed and constructed to ensure flexibility, reliability, ease of installation and maintenance.

Furthermore, GEA supplies a comprehensive range of lyophilization products and services for parenteral product processing, comprising laboratory freeze dryers for pilot-scale and R&D work, industrial freeze dryers and complete freeze dryer systems.

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