Hands-off heat exchangers tailored to your plant
CIP-compatible GEA technology captures and reuses waste heat to reduce energy requirements for heating the spray dryer air.
Here at GEA we are committed to helping our customers focus on improving process sustainability and reducing carbon footprint, so we’ve developed a range of technologies that can help to save energy and resource use, cut waste and emissions, and recycle wherever possible. For many years we’ve offered relatively cost-effective heat recovery systems that are custom-configured to fit into just about any existing or new spray drying plant – and that includes non-GEA solutions. Using GEA heat recovery technology you could reduce the heating energy requirements of your spray drying plant by up to 15%, or potentially even more.
GEA heat recovery technology uses a water-based heat exchanger, sited in the spray dryer exhaust, to capture waste heat energy from the exhaust air. The heated water is then circulated to the spray dryer air inlet where it preheats the air that is subsequently passed through the primary – and conventionally fossil fuel-driven - heating system that takes the air up to the operational temperature required for spray drying.Using heat recovery technology to increase the temperature of the spray dryer air by, say, 20 - 40°C, at intake, means that significantly less energy is then required to complete the dryer air heating. That equates to less use of fossil fuels for the overall process of increasing the air temperature to that required for drying. By using a GEA heat recovery system you’ll not only save up to 15% on the energy requirements for heating the dryer air, you’ll also be reducing CO2 production and so cutting your carbon footprint, again, by potentially 15% or more.
We’ve developed our heat recovery solutions to be compatible with CIP, so the overall plant-cleaning process is fast and thorough, and doesn’t require labor intensive, time-consuming manual operations. Automated CIP can minimize down time and delays, and reduce the potential for manual errors, while freeing up operator time for other tasks. Hygienic by design, GEA heat recovery technology requires minimal maintenance. Once operational your system may only need an inspection once a year or so. But rest assured, we’ll be here if you need us, when it’s time to expand, diversify, or evaluate new GEA innovations.
We always aim to collaborate with our customers, evaluating challenges and requirements so that together we can assess options and select the best solutions. This means we don’t just configure and supply heat recovery technology. We can first work with you to fully define your process and carry out an energy audit of your spray drying plant. This may let us identify other GEA solutions that could help you to realize even greater energy or resource savings, and reductions in carbon footprint.
As part of an energy audit we can configure the best heat recovery solution for your plant, but also assess whether our high temperature heat pump technology, GEA AddCool, could help you to reduce the overall energy requirements – and carbon footprint – of your spray drying plant even further, by up to 49%. In some instances this innovative, electricity-driven heat pump technology, installed as an auxillary system into an existing or new spray drying plant, could even let you switch off your fossil fuel-fired boilers.
GEA experts can similarly look at the potential benefits for your spray drying plant of our digital GEA OptiPartner platform. GEA OptiPartner is a subscription-based tool that works like an autopilot, sitting atop your existing control system and employing advanced process models to adjust process parameters in real time. The system can keep your process running optimally 24/7, so your personnel can focus on other key tasks. GEA OptiPartner could help to improve your process stability by 80%, and increase productivity by 7%. And the resulting improvements in performance efficiency might also equate to a 5-10% saving on energy use.
So when you think about a heat recovery system for your spray drying plant, don’t just think about the technology itself, think about how working with GEA could offer so much more. Why not contact your local GEA representative and let’s get talking.
GEA OptiPartner łączy technologiczne know-how firmy GEA z wiedzą operacyjną w celu optymalizacji wydajności suszarni rozpyłowych do produkcji proszków. Oparty na wysoce wydajnych technologiach cyfrowych, system GEA OptiPartner zwiększa wykorzystanie mocy produkcyjnych i zmniejsza zużycie energii, jednocześnie stale zapewniając operatorom pełną wi...
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Każdy bezpieczny napój i kęs jedzenia to zwycięstwo nad niewidocznymi zagrożeniami mikrobiologicznymi — już od wieku toczymy z nimi bitwę, projektując higieniczne procesy. Dzięki ponad 100-letnim doświadczeniom inżynieryjnym oraz know-how w dziedzinie budowania higienicznych systemów GEA wyznacza standardy branżowe dotyczące sprzętu przetwórczego, który pomaga chronić żywność i życie ludzi.