GEA PowerSort 6000 is an innovative separation and sorting system that can be customized to meet customer requirements through GEA’s modular design. It features a combined lane system and package rejector for end-of-line applications. Its purpose is to automatically sort and reject defective food packages produced by thermoforming packaging machines. PowerSort can be controlled via GEA SmartControl HMI and is highly integrated with GEA’s optimized Thermoformer, facilitating maintenance and servicing.
PowerSort is an innovative separating and sorting system which – thanks to GEA’s modular design – can be configured exactly to customer requirements. This combined lane converger and package rejector features a single pack, pick-and-place system and multi-lane converging system for end-of-line applications. Its purpose is to automatically sort ‘good’ food packages produced by thermoforming packaging machines from ‘bad’ ones. Any empty or defective packages can be rejected in a controlled way with high reliability and efficiency. PowerSort can be controlled by the GEA SmartControl HMI.
In line with the GEA One Line concept it is highly integrated – both mechanically and electrically – with our new optimized GEA thermoformer. Sharing common parts with the thermoformer and other automation equipment – such as the frame or the belt design – makes servicing quicker, easier and more cost effective.
GEA RemotePartner combines digital machine access and remote support to help you swiftly identify the root cause of any equipment issue and get instant assistance from GEA experts. The result: faster issue diagnostics and resolution, enhanced machine performance, greater efficiency and minimal downtime.
W branży pakowania żywności wydajność ma najwyższe znaczenie. Systemy krojenia i pakowania wysokiej prędkości muszą działać idealnie, aby można było utrzymać najwyższy poziom produkcji. Nieplanowane przestoje są nie do zaakceptowania, dlatego zadbanie o dobry stan sprzętu jest takie ważne.
By providing instant access to real-time equipment data, InsightPartner helps food processors manage their production better. Our cloud-based solution provides advanced analytics and comprehensive insights based on continuous data monitoring.
Efficient and easy maintenance at GEA OptiLoader 6000
GEA OptiRobot 6000 highlighting application flexibility
GEA OptiRobot 6000 highlighting fish application
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