Alternative proteins from insects

Small solutions for a big challenge

Producing affordable, safe and nutritious feed and food for a rapidly expanding world population is an ever-more critical challenge. Edible insects, or insect-derived protein in particular, could help to close the protein gap as well as food production cycles.

GEA expertise for insects processing includes everything from the raised insect to protein powder and even further to processed food.

Insects for future – a small solution to a big challenge
Food properties

In the majority of cases insect protein today is used for feed purposes, i.e. for aquacultures or piglet farms, but these small creatures are extremely versatile.

Alternativas de alimentos sustentáveis

Insects are not only impressive due to their nutrient density. The use of insects as an alternative type of protein is also environmentally sustainable.

From heating and grinding, protein extraction in decanters, subsequent evaporation and drying as well as polishing of the lipid phase, GEA offers all key technologies for insects processing.

From heating and grinding, protein extraction in decanters, subsequent evaporation and drying as well as polishing of the lipid phase, GEA offers all key technologies for the extraction of proteins and fats from insects.


Insights da GEA

GEA's water warriors

In the global campaign for water security, GEA water-conserving and water treatment solutions are driving the effort to reduce water use, waste and pollution – one factory, one farm and one city at a time.

Pre2Fuel: Liberado para decolagem

O processo inovador da GEA representa um marco no pré-tratamento de biocombustíveis, como óleo vegetal hidrotratado e combustível de aviação sustentável. Eliminando o processo de clareamento, os fabricantes se beneficiam de um potencial de economia significativo: custos operacionais mais de 50% menores e até 12% menos emissões de CO2.

La próxima era de la producción alimentaria con GEA NEXUS

El cambio climático y el aumento de la población mundial ejercen una presión cada vez mayor sobre la industria alimentaria, que consume mucha energía, para alimentar a más personas sin afectar aún más al planeta. George Shepherd, Global Technical Sustainability Manager de GEA, explica cómo GEA utiliza sus conocimientos de ingeniería para ayudar a los procesadores a producir de forma más sostenible y, al mismo tiempo, aumentar la productividad.

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