Digital solution for heating and refrigeration plants
GEA InsightPartner Blu-Red Care is our digital solution for heating and refrigeration plants to increase your machine availability and safety. It takes full responsibility by making use of your operating machine data as well as GEA’s expertise on refrigeration systems and processes. Your tool for equipment safety and availability.
GEA Blu-Red Care addresses daily pain points as it increases the transparency on machine operation, provides relevant data to pre-clarify or even avoid annunciations as well as pro-actively notify you about upcoming problems based on trends of data. The GEA Cloud® is the basis for all digital solutions that support our customers. Analyze your machine data securely, ISO 27001 certified environment to unlock new services and increase production.
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Present all the relevant data at a glance, saving you valuable time and effort. Say goodbye to costly machine breakdowns and hello to continuous operations.
Notifying you about upcoming faults and system health errors of the machine and providing you with a comprehensive overview of those issues so you don’t miss any serious incident.
Provides you relevant operating machine data based on your specific fault situation, supporting you in how to deep dive and solve the faults as quickly and efficient as possible.
We've designed GEA InsightPartner Blu-Red Care to be intuitive and easy to understand.
Machine usage transparency allows you to take a proactive approach to equipment management and ensure the reliability and longevity of your assets.
GEA Blu-Red Care helps you optimize equipment uptime and performance with actionable insights.
GEA Blu-Red Care takes care about your refrigeration system, letting you focus on your core business. Stressful troubleshooting and time-consuming fault analyses are part of the past.
O toque intuitivo para tecnologia de controle de máquinas.
O painel de controle GEA Omni é personalizável para controle completo do sistema - um centro de comando completo que controla todo o sistema de refrigeração a partir de um só painel.
Monitoração eletrônica de primeira classe baseado em desenvolvimentos comprovados.
Now available for Vi control, condition monitoring and more for GEA Grasso screw compressors
Welcome to the world of simplicity with GEA Service Kits for reciprocating compressors. Our mission is clear - to make your experience with original spare parts seamless and your operations smoother than ever. "Take it easy, use a kit" is not just a tagline – it is a promise we deliver on.
The GEA Ammonia Dryer removes water from the refrigerant cycle and makes the perfect addition to ammonia refrigeration systems along with filters and purgers.
O Toque Intuitivo para Controle de Compressor de parafuso. Poderoso, mas acessível. Cerebral, mas intuitivo. Sofisticado, mas simples. Simplesmente – Omni da GEA.
Aumenta a eficiência e melhora as características de qualquer planta de refrigeração industrial.
Os óleos de refrigeração por amônia da mais alta qualidade PR-OLEO® são lubrificantes com hidrocraqueamento de 2 estágios altamente refinados formulados especificamente para uso em sistemas de refrigeração por amônia com compressores alternativos ou de parafuso.
Update your existing screw compressor packages
Vacas saudáveis e satisfeitas são a chave para uma produção de leite bem-sucedida e sustentável. Portanto, manter a saúde das vacas é o ponto central do trabalho de todo produtor de leite. Muitos fatores influenciam o bem-estar...
As indústrias em geral estão trabalhando arduamente para atingir as metas de net-zero enquanto navegam por exigentes regulamentações e legislações sobre descarbonização. Ao mesmo tempo, as empresas precisam equilibrar as crescentes...
Café, cacau, leite, carne, peixe e ovos - esses produtos básicos do cotidiano dependem grandemente da agricultura intensiva. Com o surgimento de novas tecnologias de alimentos, temos alternativas mais sustentáveis. Nós nos reunimos...