Container Handling Equipment
Handling systems for connecting single machines to create an ‘intelligent’ packaging system, the conveyors can handle a wide variety of packages and include many innovative features for improved performance and flexibility.
Specific installation requirements and peculiar package features determine on a case-by-case basis the technical requirements of each conveyor system needed to transfer each package in the best way.
GEA secondary packaging conveyors work any type of pack (shrink-wraps, carton boxes, crates, trays) customizing layout and production speed. Stainless steel is used as required by the hygienic design of each machine.
Key product features include: a wide range of dividers/combiners for packs; lateral guides adjustment, manual with hand wheels or fully automatic, with quick references; elevators/lowerators with rubber belts; and swinging systems for vertical exchange between lines.
GEA is a specialist in automation systems for high-speed conveying lines for containers. As such it believes in the continuous development of line automation, an information network that transforms a group of machines into a high efficiency plant. The automation systems feature speed modulation using inverters (installed in the remote power board or near-field) to reduce power consumption and noise. Remote field PLC devices are used to optimize installations that have a high concentration of inputs and outputs.
Agilis is a palletizer with high level product infeed and a vertical lift pallet loading system. Depending on the production speed required it’s possible to configure a single, double or triple infeed with row preparation on positive belts. Agilis is also available with a pack divider or manipulator to speed-up the production and/or to secure uns...
Low level infeed mono–column type palletizer Artis EVO features a steady pallet loading system and an innovative layer pick-up head. It is suitable for medium/high production capacity.
As ilhas robóticas Omnia são especialmente adequadas para linhas de baixa e média velocidade e quando é necessária uma alta flexibilidade, graças ao recurso de paletização/despaletização simultânea e à troca rápida dos cabeçotes de agarre. Elas representam um investimento de valor de longo prazo.
‘Intelligent’ systems for transferring packages between machines that form part of a packaging line, the conveyors can handle a wide variety of packages and include many innovative features for improved performance and flexibility.
Descubra o serviço GEA com três níveis de assistência remota profissional para suas plantas de envase de bebidas.
Proteja o funcionamento da sua fábrica de bebidas assépticas e garanta a qualidade final do seu produto, controlando com segurança os riscos relacionados a cada um dos parâmetros do processo de um sistema de envase asséptico.
Vacas saudáveis e satisfeitas são a chave para uma produção de leite bem-sucedida e sustentável. Portanto, manter a saúde das vacas é o ponto central do trabalho de todo produtor de leite. Muitos fatores influenciam o bem-estar...
As indústrias em geral estão trabalhando arduamente para atingir as metas de net-zero enquanto navegam por exigentes regulamentações e legislações sobre descarbonização. Ao mesmo tempo, as empresas precisam equilibrar as crescentes...
Café, cacau, leite, carne, peixe e ovos - esses produtos básicos do cotidiano dependem grandemente da agricultura intensiva. Com o surgimento de novas tecnologias de alimentos, temos alternativas mais sustentáveis. Nós nos reunimos...