Palletizers & Depalletizers

Palletizer Artis EVO

Low level infeed mono-column type palletizer Artis EVO features a steady pallet loading system and an innovative layer pick-up head. It is suitable for medium/high production capacity.

Artis EVO is the latest development in GEA palletizing technology. Artis EVO uses a new patented system of layer handling to save space, reduce maintenance cost and maintain high-speed production.

Artis EVO is an innovative, layer pick-up head, mono–column type palletizer that guarantees high performance using a very compact system that gives operators high visibility and makes the machine easily accessible for maintenance. The unique innovation of the Artis EVO is the absence of the pusher. This is made possible by the new layer handling system.

The pick-up head fits directly on the layer and picks it up as soon as the layer is ready. The Artis EVO doesn’t need the pusher as there is a special plate inside the head that moves underneath the layer. This innovation reduces the machine cycle dead times achieving the remarkable speed of six layers per minute from a simple, compact system. The Artis EVO benefits from a new layer handling system that gives it a smaller footprint than traditional machines and reduces maintenance costs. This small size also makes Artis EVO easier to transport and install at customers’ facilities. The machine is most competitive in medium/high speed lines (for example 30,000 containers per hours on 1.500 ml).

A key feature of Artis EVO is the extensive use of belt transmissions to reduce noise and the need for lubrication.

Every kind of packaging (including cartons, cases, film wrapped packs, cans and small two-single-serve bottle packs) can be handled. Upstream layer preparation is provided by either a traditional system with a divider and roller table, or with a Polaris EVO handling system.

Production capacity: up to 6 layers/min


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