GEA NEXUS Holistic Engineering Solutions

A unique integration of process solutions and cooling & heating demands, resulting in lower energy consumption, minimized operating costs and reduced carbon footprint.

NEXUS - Holistic Engineering Solution
GEA Brewery ecalculator

NEXUS eCalculator for Brewery

GEA Heat pump ecalculator

Heat Pump eCalculator

Nexus - Natural refrigerants

How to make your energy last longer

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Customer cases

CO₂ emissions down 100%

GEA NEXUS can enable you to cut CO₂ and NOₓ emissions by up to 100%, reduce water consumption, potentially eliminate your boiler, and reuse waste heat from your refrigeration plant.

Energy efficiency up 40%

GEA NEXUS can improve your energy efficiency up to 40% for heating and cooling

Operational costs down 30%

GEA NEXUS can enable you to lower your energy usage and operational costs up to 30%


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