Go Intellicant.
GEA Intellicant® ushers in a new era of efficiency in your sludge treatment process by monitoring, automating and optimizing your decanter. Specifically designed as an upgrade kit for existing GEA systems in wastewater treatment plants, this solution ensures efficiency and drastically reduces disposal costs. Unleash the full potential of your decanter with the GEA Intellicant® subscription model.
GEA Intellicant® provides detailed information on all your sludge dewatering costs.
Gain deep insight into the operation of your decanter. Improve performance and significantly reduce costs.
Automating routine tasks, GEA Intellicant® offers a future-proof solution in times of a shortage of skilled workers.
GEA Intellicant® pays off.
*) Calculation of a decanter installation in a treatment plant with a capacity of 385,000 population equivalents and with disposal costs of 60€/t DS.
Next-level dewatering.
We care about long-term optimization and have designed GEA Intellicant® as a subscription service to enable continuous support.
Our experienced team answers technical questions, assists with troubleshooting, and provides information on the latest feature updates. No matter where the problem is: We are ready to help – even remotely.
GEA Intellicant®
GEA environmental Decanter lines
GEA environmental Decanter lines - safeguarding our resources
GEA environmental Decanter pro
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