Palletizers & Depalletizers

Palletizer Agilis

Agilis is a palletizer with high level product infeed and a vertical lift pallet loading system.

Depending on the production speed required, Agilis palletizer can be configured with a single, double or triple infeed with row preparation on positive belts. Agilis is also available with a pack divider or manipulator to speed-up the production and/or to secure unstable packages.

The main machine structure is composed of two columns made of 5mm painted carbon steel sheet with two dead weight sliding blocks providing the counter balance. Power to lift the pallets is provided by a double motor with inverter and encoder control. The lift/lowering motion is provided by 1¼” chains and steel wheels sliding on guides made of high resistance steel.

Agilis is equipped with a double rotating bar for layer transfer from the pre-formation to the deposit area; the bars are mounted on two lateral drive chains, pulled by a motor gear reducer unit with inverter control.  

Self-centering type side compacting bars, pulled through polyurethane toothed belts by an electromechanical control unit, provide automatic adjustment when changing the palletization pattern. The contact surface of the bars is made of low friction material.

The design allows the system to be configured simply as required and gives open access to all parts of the machine, via a platform, for easy set up and maintenance.

Production capacity: up to 6 layers/min

The Agilis palletizer with high level product infeed

The Agilis palletizer with high level product infeed


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