Vacuum Technology

Пароструйный вентилятор

Steam jet ventilators are based on proven jet pump technology and often used to convey air, gases and vapors.

Our jet systems are reliable and require low maintenance.


Steam jet ventilators are used to:

  • To draw of waste air, exhaust gases and vapor
  • To ventilate tanks
  • As forced blast blowers, or stack ventilators for boiler burners
  • To extract and mix exhaust gases from the thermal afterburning

Mode of operation

Steam jet ventilators convey air, gases and vapors against small pressure differences. They operate in a range between ∆p = 0 to 500 mbar. Above 500 mbar, steam jet compressors are used.

The achievable pressure difference between the suction pressure and discharge pressure is the compression of the steam jet ventilator.

Instead of steam, it is also possible to use compressed air or another gas as motive fluid for jet ventilators. 

Apart from steam, air or gas, liquids may be used as the motive medium for jet ventilators.


  • No moving parts
  • Maintenance-free
  • Can be installed in virtually all situations
  • Quickly and easily put into operation
  • Almost unlimited life, when a suitable material of construction is chosen
  • Can be manufactured from various materials of construction
  • Low acquisition costs

As opposed to liquid jet ventilators, steam or gas jet ventilators have the advantage that larger pressure differentials can be managed.


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