Rotary Presses for Industrial Applications

With 100 years of experience, GEA has developed a unique expertise in designing, manufacturing and servicing the widest available range of industrial rotary presses.

While the pharmaceutical industry is the largest customer for our tablet machines, we have developed a range of high-speed industrial rotary presses especially for a variety of applications, such as powder metallurgy, ceramics, nuclear fuels, catalysts, ferrites, electronics, consumables, automotive, detergents, hygiene and body care, nutraceuticals and food. 

To get in touch with our team of experts for these applications, click here.


Аналитика GEA

Cows grazing in green pasture with wind turbines in background

Making milk production more sustainable for a growing world

The world's population is growing and with it demand for milk. Dairy is an essential component of many global diets. However, its production can be resource-intensive and impact the environment. GEA’s Christian Müller, Senior...

GEA customer Crailsheim dairy processor

Чистое машинное оборудование, безопасная еда: Сила гигиенического проектирования

Каждый безопасный для употребления напиток и пищевой продукт — это победа над невидимыми микробными угрозами — борьба, которая ведется в течение уже ста лет разработки и проектирования технологических процессов, отвечающих требованиям...

Filtration sensation: The washing machine principle

Engineering innovation often takes the form of incremental gains. Once in a while, it takes a leap. Case in point: The washing machine. Launched in September 2022, two new GEA software solutions are upending convention and delivering...

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