About us
The GEA values are the principles and beliefs which guide the way we work together within GEA and with our external stakeholders.
At GEA, our company values begin with our own people. We hold ourselves to a high standard in how we treat one another, our customers and partners and our world.
Collectively, the GEA values serve as a compass to guide our day-to-day activities and interactions.
GEA takes its responsibility as an internationally active company seriously. Locally and globally, we strive to be a good employer, neighbor and steward in all our activities and partnerships.
Stefan Klebert
CEO, GEA Group
Our stakeholder relationships depend on the honesty and trustworthiness of our people. Strong corporate governance and unwavering commitment to our customers, along with maximum transparency, are key to upholding the high standards we set for ourselves.
Kai Becker
Division CEO, Heating & Refrigeration Technologies, GEA Group
Our people greatly appreciate and benefit from working in diverse teams. This is often cited as a reason people want to join GEA in the first place. Promoting increased diversity and inclusion is so important that we made it a key component of our ESG goals and strategy.
Azam Owaisi
Regional CEO North America, GEA Group
When it comes to hiring new people at GEA, passion is a quality we insist on. We are proud of the energy and drive our employees bring to their jobs every day. Our customers rely on this can-do attitude and entrust our teams with some of their most difficult challenges.
Béatrice Bruey
Regional CEO APAC, GEA Group
GEA is known for delivering high-quality solutions and services. This requires outstanding engineering, workmanship, knowledge and dedication from our teams to ensure customers meet their goals and commitments.
Ilija Aprcovic
Division CEO Liquid & Powder Technologies, GEA Group
Wherever you meet GEA in the world, you can count on experiencing our company values as well – through our people, solutions and services. Our values are fundamental to who we are and provide the perfect foundation for our purpose: Engineering for a better world.
GEA’nın yenilikçi prosesi, hidro-işlemden geçmiş bitkisel yağ ve sürdürülebilir havacılık yakıtı gibi biyo-yakıtların ön-işleminde bir dönüm noktasını işaret etmektedir. Ağartma işlemini ortadan kaldırmak suretiyle üreticiler, önemli tasarruf potansiyellerinden faydalanmaktadır: %50’nin üstünde daha düşük işletme maliyeti ve %12’ye varan daha az CO2 emisyonu.
GEA santrifüjünün hikayesi, Franz Ramesohl ve Franz Schmidt’in patentli mekanik süt separatörlerinin üretime başladığı ve modern süt ürünleri işlemenin yolunu açtığı 1893 yılında başlar. Bu inovasyon, o zamanlar yaşadıkları büyük bir zorluğunun üstesinden gelmelerine yardımcı oldu: 19. yüzyılın sonlarında Almanya’nın artan kentsel nüfusuna nasıl süt sağlanacağı. Gelişmekte olan bir endüstriyi beslemeye yardımcı oldu. 1913 itibariyle, Almanya’da santrifüj üreten ve çoğu Oelde’deki tesislerinin yakınında bulunan 67 şirket daha onlara katıldı. Separasyon teknolojisinde 130 yıldır lider konumda bulunan GEA, santrifüje yeniden yoğunlaşmaya devam etmektedir.