Liquid Dosage
Protein-based therapeutics are increasingly being developed as new chemical entities in the pharmaceutical and life science industries. Unlike small molecules, which are typically synthesized using chemical processes, most proteins need to be processed in living systems, mostly by recombinant DNA technology. The proteins can then be produced in their functional form (quaternary structure), rather than by microbial biosynthesis (bacteria/yeast), substantially reducing the downstream stages of the process.
As the demand for large-volume products increases, so does the requirement for higher capacity reactors (up to 20,000 L) to realize economies of scale. GEA has responded to the changing needs of biopharmaceutical manufacturers and developed improved technology solutions to optimize both upstream and, with increasing titers, downstream processing, in terms of time and cost efficiency.
Based on its history of innovation and process development, GEA has a thorough working knowledge of therapeutic protein production and has used this competence to design better media and feeding strategies, optimize the fermentation stage and enhance physicochemical conditions during the manufacturing process.
A leading international supplier of integrated process systems, our extensive portfolio of products, technologies and services includes standard and customized fermenters, separators and entire production lines, as well as plant for the production, storage and distribution of clean utilities. Systems for the preparation of media, fluid management, cell cultivation and purification are also part of our global scope of supply.
As a competent manufacturer of complete plant for the life science industries, GEA is a full-service provider of solutions that meet your exact requirements and specifications. From planning, development and installation to qualification and maintenance, our experienced engineers will collaborate with your project team to supply innovative and efficient process solutions for your applications.
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