GEA Smartcontrol for Bakery
GEA Smartcontrol for Bakery is a revolutionary user-centric interface with the purpose of identifying and monitoring a line performance and overall status through diagnostic features that allow users to have a full view and control over their operations.
GEA Smartcontrol for Bakery empowers you to unlock the full potential of your bakery operations. With its advanced diagnostic capabilities, the GEA Smartcontrol for Bakery provides you with comprehensive insights into your line's performance and status and empowers you to take command of your production operations.The system aims to boost the productivity of the line as it decreases learning and problem-solving time, cut out the time required for carrying out various tasks and diminishes error rates effectively.Discover unrivalled precision and optimization as you effortlessly navigate through your bakery processes. GEA Smartcontrol for Bakery serves as your portal to a seamlessly integrated production environment driven by user experience. Embrace a new era of bakery management with GEA Smartcontrol for Bakery.
Enhanced User-Centric Interface Focused on Support & Problem-Solving
Empowering Efficiency and Quality with Performance Trend Visualization
Seamless Performance and Control Over a Production Line
A cohesive Recipe Handling Experience
This feature allows users to stay notified and keep track of any potential issues or malfunctions that occur within their equipment and therefore quickly respond to any problems, minimize downtime, and improve overall equipment performance. The HMI displays real-time alarms and notifications, providing immediate visibility into any problems. In addition, the ability to store a historical record of all alarms allows users to track trends and identify recurring issues.
This feature provides users with a descriptive view of their machinery performance, including efficiency, quality, and overall production capabilities. The analysis of these trends offers users areas for improvements, such as bottlenecks in the production process or sources of waste, which in turn can optimize production processes and improve overall performance.
This view displays real-time data for each machine on the line (also from third-party producers), including machine status, operating parameters, and production statistics. The information is presented in an intuitive and easy-to-read format, allowing users to quickly assess the performance of their equipment. This feature helps to improve production efficiency by providing real-time visibility into machine performance, enabling users to quickly identify and resolve any issues.
The recipe creation and management feature enhance production efficiency by allowing users to quickly recall and apply their favorite recipes, reducing setup time and increasing production speed.
It provides a convenient way for users to create and manage recipes for their baked goods, and it allows users to easily specify ingredients, quantities etc., as well as save, upload and recall recipes for later use.
The machine on board documentation feature provides users with a convenient way to access all necessary information regarding their equipment and operations. This includes user manuals, operating instructions, maintenance schedules, and more. The information is stored directly on the HMI, making it easily accessible from the production line. This feature helps to ensure that all personnel are working with the most up to date information and eliminates the need for manual searches or paper documents. It streamlines processes, increases efficiency and reduces the risk of human error.
GEA, doğrudan gazlı (DGF), yayılımlı - sikloterm (IC), dolaylı konveksiyon (CVI) ve hibrid fırınları (HYB) içeren tam bir fırın yelpazesi sunarak her ihtiyaca cevap verebilen fırın konfigürasyonları yapabilmektedir.
Geleneksel fırında pişirme, yeni elektrikli ısıtma sistemleri sayesinde yenilendi.
GEA'nın endüstri-lideri multi-volümetrik pistonlu depozitörleri, her türden kek hamurunun, karışımının, harcının ve turta hamuru dolgularının hassas bir şekilde doldurulması ve nazik şekilde işlenmesini sağlar.
High capacity, individual lobe pump system (ILPS) depositors from GEA offer a world of opportunities for producing plain, filled and decorated cookies, biscuits and fig bars.
Vidalı ve Piston Kompresör Kontrolü için Sezgisel Dokunuş. Güçlü, ancak ulaşılabilir. Beyinsel, ancak sezgisel. Sofistike, ancak basit. Tek kelimeyle - GEA Omni.
PR-OLEO® premium-kalite amonyak soğutma yağları, pistonlu veya vidalı kompresörlü amonyaklı soğutma sistemlerinde kullanılmak üzere özel olarak formüle edilmiş, çok iyi rafine edilmiş 2-aşamalı hidrokrakingle parçalanmış yağlardır.
Pistonlu kompresörlerine yönelik GEA Servis Kitleri ile basitlik dünyasına hoş geldiniz. Misyonumuz çok nettir - orijinal yedek parça deneyiminizi kusursuz ve faaliyetlerinizi her zamankinden daha sorunsuz hale getirmek. “Sakin kalın, bir kit kullanın”, bu sadece bir slogan değil, tuttuğumuz bir sözdür.
İklim değişikliği ve artan küresel nüfus, gezegene zarar vermeden daha fazla insanı beslemek için enerji yoğun gıda endüstrisi üzerinde artan bir baskı oluşturmaktadır. GEA Global Teknik Sürdürülebilirlik Müdürü George Shepherd, GEA'nın mühendislik know-how'ını kullanarak işleyicilerin verimliliği arttırırken daha sürdürülebilir üretim yapmalarına nasıl yardımcı olduğunu açıklıyor.
The world's population is growing and with it demand for milk. Dairy is an essential component of many global diets. However, its production can be resource-intensive and impact the environment. GEA’s Christian Müller, Senior Director Sustainability Farm Technologies, sheds light on how technological innovations powered by GEA make milk production more efficient and profitable.
Güvenli her lokma yiyecek ve içecek, görünmeyen mikrobiyal tehditlere karşı kazanılmış bir zaferdir - bir asırlık hijyenik proses tasarımı ile şekillenen bir savaş. 100 yılı aşkın mühendislik ve hijyenik tasarım bilgi ve deneyimine sahip GEA, gıdaları koruyan ve hayatlar kurtaran işleme ekipmanları için endüstri standardını belirlemektedir.