Integrated Granulation Lines

Current good manufacturing practices increasingly require that product is fully contained during processing to protect both operators and the environment. Integrated process systems not only offer containment, but also provide improved productivity through automation, increased yield and efficient
cleaning procedures.

GEA is uniquely qualified to provide integrated process lines. Drawing on its world-class expertise and technologies, we offer an entire range of state-of-the-art process equipment that has been designed and built with system integration in mind.

A modular approach allows customers to select standard process modules to suit project needs: fully integrated turnkey installations can be supplied, including fluid bed process equipment combined with top- and bottom-drive high shear mixer-granulators – with integrated contained materials handling, wet and dry milling facilities, product handling systems, binder and coating preparation units, filtration units and tablet compression.


GEA İçgörüleri

Filtration sensation: The washing machine principle

Engineering innovation often takes the form of incremental gains. Once in a while, it takes a leap. Case in point: The washing machine. Launched in September 2022, two new GEA software solutions are upending convention and delivering...

GEA Servis: Dünyanın üretim hatlarının arkasındaki can damarı

Dünyadaki her dört spagetti paketinden biri, her iki litre biranın ikinci litresi ve tüm işlenmiş sütün dörtte biri GEA makinelerinden geçmektedir. Üretim hatları bakım gerektirdiğinde, sorunları çözmek veya sorunların ortaya...

Polonya’daki yeni pompa tesisi, hijyenik üretime şeklini yeniden veriyor

GEA’nın Koszalin/Polonya’daki tesisi, hijyenik pompa üretiminde bir mihenk taşı niteliğindedir. Çok-amaçlı tesis, onlarca yıllık Alman mühendislik tecrübesini gelişmiş dijitalleşme ve ölçeklenebilir çözümlerle birleştiriyor....

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