Genel Bakış

GEA ColdSteam M

GEA mixers equipped with ColdSteam technology are designed to optimize the tempering of fully frozen raw material and prepare it for forming into premium quality products. The technology is fast, reducing tempering time down to minutes instead of hours, and is carried out in the same machine as high performance mixing, so only a single unit is required.

GEA ProMix | Twin-shaft mixer for food preparation - outfeed premium quality poultry mix

GEA ColdSteam M

Çalışma Prensibi
Normal atmosfer basıncında (1.0 bar), su 100°C (212°F) derecede kaynar. Vakum altında ise daha düşük sıcaklıkta kaynar. %95 Vakumda (0,05 bar), suyun kaynama noktası 33°C (91,4°F) dereceye düşer. Enjekte edilen buhar da bu sıcaklıktadır ve soğuk et üzerinde yoğuşurakmeat, efficiently transferring the energy. Scalding or denaturation of proteins is not possible!

  • 95% vacuum (0.05 bar) the boiling point of water drops to 33°C (91.4°F)
  • Optimal energy transfer
  • Steam condesates on the cold meat
  • Scalding or denaturation of proteins is not possible

Frozen meat blocks can be pre-ground directly from the freezer and then transferred to the GEA ColdSteam M without tempering. The extremely fast defrosting in the GEA ColdSteam M last typically 10 minutes. An automated process with a high degree of control
is possible by the PLC control. The temperature of the defrosted material is accurately controlled. Besides the initial defrosting also the other mixing steps can be executed without additional handling.

  • Very fast, no tempering
  • High degree of control
  • Defrosting & mixing in one unit

Output quality
The ColdSteam M process can replace the use of tempered frozen meat. To replace fresh meat we advise to come and test in our Technology Center in Bakel, the Netherlands.

  • High quality
  • Frozen is flexible


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