GEA 为专用化学品和精细化学品的生产提供各种技术和定制解决方案。产品组合包括以下技术:
• 分离
• 过滤
• 蒸发
• 蒸馏和精馏
• 均质化
• 熔融结晶
• 干燥工序和颗粒处理
• 废气净化
GEA 的高性能工序系统和丰富应用知识为我们的客户提供了竞争优势,因为可以为他们带来更高的生产率、更严格的规格并降低成本和提高效率。我们的设备全都符合化工行业复杂的安全要求。
为了确保为每一个客户提供最佳工序和设备解决方案,我们的工序专家可为测试工作和工序开发随时提供帮助。我们对项目管理(从项目的最早阶段到按照计划将设备投入正常运转)的关注不仅可以确保满足所有利益相关者的要求,而且项目也会满足所有 KPI。
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The Rapid Cooling or Quenching of gas streams is used in several essential applications in the process industries.
GEA's versatile range of R&D drying & particle processing equipment - for advanced powder processing within food and dairy products, chemicals and pharmaceuticals.
GEA Powder Handling Test Center - Pressure Conveying Dense Phase
GEA Powder Handling Test Center - Vacuum Conveying Dense Phase
GEA Powder Handling Test Center - Vacuum Conveying Lean Phase
The world's population is growing and with it demand for milk. Dairy is an essential component of many global diets. However, its production can be resource-intensive and impact the environment. GEA’s Christian Müller, Senior Director Sustainability Farm Technologies, sheds light on how technological innovations powered by GEA make milk production more efficient and profitable.