GEA 供应以下产品的完整解决方案:
酪素/ 酪蛋白酸盐粉
MPC(乳液浓缩蛋白)粉 / MPI(乳液分离蛋白)粉
WPC(乳清浓缩蛋白)粉 / WPI(乳清分离蛋白)粉
GEA 在乳品原料加工领域积累了数十年行业经验、应用技术经验和工程经验。我们是全球领先的完整加工设备提供商,我们供应有脱脂、过滤、热处理、分离、干燥和包装技术,以及用于制作各类乳品原料产品的组件。我们的技术包括正在申请专利的微滤系统,以及专有的喷雾干燥控制技术,用于精确控制乳品原料粉末的水分含量。
我们擅长设计、构建和安装完整的设备和系统,因此从大批量蛋白粉到适用于特定小众市场的定制衍生物,GEA 能够针对广泛的乳品原料产品设计无缝的端对端加工解决方案。
从概念到试运行再到产品移交,GEA 能够监控整个设备设计和构建项目。而且由于我们与客户紧密合作,因此从机械加工对产品质量的潜在影响,到设备效率、稳定性、卫生操作和自动化,我们能够共同确保解决所有疑虑,满足所有预期。
显示 4 个,共 44 个
GEA has partnered for decades with the global dairy industry to develop versatile technologies for just about every stage of milk processing.
GEA offers various solutions that allow you to optimize and automate your centrifuge and/or your process through precise monitoring of selected KPIs. The result: Clear cost transparency, maximized performance, increased resource-efficiency, and minimized manual operation. Customized by our expertise for your added value – explore untapped product...
GEA Codex® 过程控制是一个开放式框架,结合了HMI设计的既定标准,包括用于 Siemens、Rockwell 和 Wonderware 等市场领先平台的警报、分布式工程以及灵活控制模块
We offer expertise and flexible technologies for skimming, filtration, heat treatment, separation and concentration, drying and packaging, so you can process just about any dairy ingredient and milk derivative with a focus on resource efficiency.
Our technologies and tools are designed to let you process safe, top quality dairy-derived liquid ingredients, and free-flowing, easily dispersed powders that retain key nutritional and functional properties and precisely defined particle characteristics.
Experts at our test center can work with you to evaluate process feasibility and configure key equipment and end to end lines for new products, or for scaling up, optimizing and upgrading existing plants, and reducing environmental impact.
The global dairy industry relies on our custom-designed cross flow membrane filtration systems, including nanofiltration, microfiltration, ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis systems. Why not ask how our software-based Smart Filtration CIP technology could nearly halve related energy consumption and cut water use.
There’s seldom a one size fits all option when it comes to producing dairy-derived ingredients and functional components. We offer tank systems with dosing options for acid, rennet or enzymes, so you can more easily adapt and fine tune your processes for manufacturing casein, caseinates and hydrolyzed dairy proteins.
We’ve designed a diverse range of hygienic, flexible, and user-friendly pasteurization and UHT systems for dairy processing, incorporating innovative technology that recovers and reuses heat energy to lower costs, minimize waste, and reduce dependence on fossil fuels.
GEA offers robust, reliable and flexible centrifugal separators and decanter centrifuges that are central to processing a diverse range of dairy ingredients. Our experts can help you select, configure and test the optimum technology for your products and applications.
We offer a complete range of evaporators for dairy processing, in parallel with heat pump and product recovery tech that could feasibly let you halve your plant’s energy consumption, cut CO2 emissions, reduce waste, and even improve product quality.
GEA dairy spray dryers are recognized globally, and experts at our dedicated test center can give you advice, help you evaluate and fine tune our different models, and showcase how the latest GEA innovations could make your drying plant more planet friendly.
From storage silos and powder feeding systems, to powder conveying, tipping stations, valves, magnets and other components, GEA has developed powder handling systems that won’t compromise the quality of your powdered ingredients and final dairy products.
We provide automated packing lines for diverse food powder applications, enhancing cleanliness and product yield by reducing dust emissions. Our systems offer comprehensive control with PLC operation and optional remote connectivity. Solutions include bag filling, conditioning, and quality checking functionality.
GEA OptiPartner Performance Care
GEA Tech Talk on lactoferrin - A great whey to improve business
Implementation of GEA OptiPartner