Precision fermentation

Harnessing microorganisms as micro-factories to help to feed a global population

Humans have for thousands of years harnessed fermentation to preserve or enhance the flavor, texture or even health-promoting and nutritional value of foods.

Eggs via precision fermentation
The ATC will be used to evaluate processes on a transferable pilot scale.

Dedicated new food center of excellence

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Scrambled egg made with egg altnerative


On the menu: More sustainable eggs

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Precision fermentation advances sustainable dairy

GEA 洞察

GEA's water warriors

In the global campaign for water security, GEA water-conserving and water treatment solutions are driving the effort to reduce water use, waste and pollution – one factory, one farm and one city at a time.


GEA 的创新工艺在生物燃料(如加氢植物油和可持续航空燃料)预处理领域树立了新的里程碑。通过消除漂白工艺,制造商可获得显著的节约潜力:运营成本降低超过 50%,二氧化碳排放量减少高达 12%。

GEA NEXUS 的下一個食品生產時代

氣候變遷和全球人口成長對能源密集的食品產業造成越來越大的壓力,要在不傷害地球的前提下餵飽更多的人,GEA 全球永續發展技術經理 George Shepherd 解釋 GEA 如何運用其工程技術知識,協助加工商在提高生產力的同時,進行更永續的生產。

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