Industrial fluids

Coal tar

Discover the significance of coal tar as a by-product in the petrochemical and steel industries, along with its various uses.

Coal tar

Benefits of our centrifuges:

  • Increased tar quality through efficient removal of solids
  • Dewatering in one step
  • Reduced operating costs for tank cleaning
  • Easier storage and transport of coal tar
  • Closed, environmentally and operator friendly process

Coal tar is a by-product that is formed during the coking of coal which is essential for producing coke for steel production. This viscous by-product contains a variety of compounds, including up to 5% water and various other components. This complex composition of coal tar can vary considerably, making its treatment and refinement a challenging task.

GEA's advanced centrifuge technology makes the coal tar treatment process more efficient. Our two- and three-phase decanter centrifuges are equipped with highly corrosion-resistant materials and are designed for efficient separation of solids, tar and water, achieving high-quality results. Our equipment is capable of extracting a considerable amount of solids from the cleared tar and can also decrease the water content to minimal levels. This level of precision in separation not only improves the quality of the coal tar, but also makes it easier to store and transport.

In addition, GEA's centrifuges contribute to a closed, environmentally and operator friendly process that minimizes waste and reduces the need for extensive tank cleaning. The versatility of our decanters enables the processing of coal tar with varying solids content, ensuring optimal performance tailored to the specific needs of each customer.

Within the petrochemical and steel sectors, refined coal tar serves as a crucial resource for producing various chemicals and numerous valuable raw materials. GEA's centrifuge technology plays a key role in enhancing the purity and usability of coal tar for these applications, thereby supporting the entire value chain.

Choose GEA for your coal tar treatment solutions, and benefit from our expertise, innovative technology, and commitment to sustainability. Our solutions not only meet the high standards of the industry but also contribute to a cleaner and more efficient production process.

Coal tar flowsheet

GEA 洞察


在离心机开发中,每一滴水和每一千瓦时电都至关重要。GEA 制造离心机已有 130 多年的历史 – 这是无庸置疑的事实。GEA 分离机产品线副总裁 Jürgen Mackel 和负责乳品离心机产品组合的产品经理 Christian Becker 正在确切进行这项任务 - 不断提出新的解决方案,以满足技术进展、当前市场条件和可持续性各个方面的需求。请继续阅读,深入了解 GEA 的工程艺术为全球各行各业的生产车间带来了什么。

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通过投资可再生能源,GEA 正在降低其在世界各地的二氧化碳排放量。


在改善地球健康方面,GEA 发挥着主导作用。作为我们以可持续发展为重点的战略目标之一,我们正在开辟一条道路,帮助各行各业的客户采用有意义且可衡量的方式减少能源使用并降低碳排放。这包括使用 GEA 热泵系统。

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