GEA SmartControl HMI at a glance

GEA SmartControl HMI

GEA SmartControl HMI (Human-Machine Interface) is a newly developed user interface for food processing and packaging equipment, either stand-alone or connected in a line. GEA’s user-centric approach keeps focus on the individually operating users of the production facilities.

GEA SmartControl HMI (Human-Machine Interface) is a newly developed user interface for food processing and packaging equipment, either stand-alone or connected in a line. GEA’s user-centric approach keeps focus on the individually operating users of the production facilities.

Improved transparency and usability through user-centric design

Its smart functions for line integration offer immediate added value for line applications, so they can be used immediately and without further configuration. GEA SmartControl HMI enables more than just integration with GEA equipment – it also provides access to third-party user interfaces. The new GEA SmartControl HMI platform delivers unprecedented levels of transparency over current and historical process data and events. The highly modular and hygienic hardware design of the multi-touch display allows for ergonomic operation that meets even the most complex user requirements.

Available for:

GEA SmartControl HMI is now available for GEA OptiSlicer, GEA PowerPak PLUS and GEA SmartPacker.

Improved user-friendliness thanks to user-oriented design

  • Context-sensitive searches; for example by recipe, parameter, alarm or change log events
  • Simplified and standardized navigation for different machine types 
  • Increased process reliability due to role-based user administration with authorization management
  • Easy dashboard overview with the most needed parameters and KPI's for the equipment
  • Modular maintenance friendly and hygienic, multi-touch display
  • Access manuals, electric diagrams and spare parts list directly at the Machine HMI

Transparent process information & recipe handling

  • Timeline function provides instant overview of what is happening at the machine
  • Complete transparency over the process history and parameter changes enabling easy analysis
  • Recipe management with automatic recipe versioning to easily restore previous versions
  • Sophisticated search function gives insight into all alarm history for better analysis

HMI integration into the line

  • Integration of different user interfaces in the line
  • Thanks to the system's open design also older GEA machines and 3rd pary equipment can be integrated
  • Helps increase operator productivity and easy access
  • Easy handling from one user interface for the complete line

Retrofitting a GEA SmartControl HMI

The new GEA SmartControl HMI can also be retrofitted to existing machines, adding value and new functions to previously installed units as well. Depending on the year of manufacture, this can be done by replacing the HMI system or upgrading the control system to the latest standard.

Key features

Key features
New role-based user management
GEA SmartControl HMI | User management printscreen

Permission assignments to role

A new role-based user management with fine granular permission system supports better adaptation to the needs of your team structure. Raise process safety and reflect responsibilities according to your organisational setup. The management of individual users is accompanied by more comfort. For example, the language selected by the user is automatically set when logging in. Several methods are support for authentication. It starts with simple shared passwords, supports the usage of RFID transponders, and goes as far as the usage of Active Directory (LDAP) for a central management.

GEA SmartControl HMI | Timeline printscreen

Timeline shows all important events at a glance

The new timeline feature gives an immediate overview on what happened at the machine. Showing constantly the performance and important events, it brings users instantly up to date. Was a parameter changed? Since when is the machine stopped? Look at the timeline. Need to align with a colleague of the next shift? Look at the timeline.

Advanced recipe management
GEA SmartControl HMI | Recipe management printscreen

Recipe versioning lets you track when and by whom changes where made

Managing recipes (process parameters) is an important step to establish good control of the process. Undocumented changes to recipes will not be a hassle for you anymore. GEA SmartControl HMI provides automatic recipe versioning. Saving a recipe automatically creates a new version and by that makes changes traceable (when and who). Mistakes can easily be undone by restoring previous versions.

Line integration
GEA SmartControl HMI | Line integration printscreen

Line View gives access to other user interfaces (incl. 3rd-party)

A food processing line can be long and not all equipment is easily accessible. GEA SmartControl HMI allows integration of user interfaces from equipment in the line to facilitate the access. The open design allows not only to integrate GEA SmartControl equipment, also older GEA machines, or third-party equipment. Devices like printers or weighers can be accessed at ease by the operator, raising ergonomics and efficiency of the line.

Multi-HMI scenarios
GEA SmartControl HMI | Multi-HMI printscreen

Access to other GEA SmartControl HMI devices

If two or more HMIs are required for an efficient operation of the equipment, the new GEA SmartControl HMI supports multi-HMI scenarios. This allows for example to place HMIs in different hygienic areas with true concurrent operation.



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Improved transparency and usability through user-centric design

Its smart functions for line integration offer immediate added value for line applications, so they can be used immediately and without further configuration. GEA SmartControl HMI enables more than just integration with GEA equipment – it also provides access to third-party user interfaces. The new GEA SmartControl HMI platform delivers unprecedented levels of transparency over current and historical process data and events. The highly modular and hygienic hardware design of the multi-touch display allows for ergonomic operation that meets even the most complex user requirements.

Available for:

GEA SmartControl HMI is now available for GEA OptiSlicer, GEA PowerPak PLUS and GEA SmartPacker.

Improved user-friendliness thanks to user-oriented design

  • Context-sensitive searches; for example by recipe, parameter, alarm or change log events
  • Simplified and standardized navigation for different machine types 
  • Increased process reliability due to role-based user administration with authorization management
  • Easy dashboard overview with the most needed parameters and KPI's for the equipment
  • Modular maintenance friendly and hygienic, multi-touch display
  • Access manuals, electric diagrams and spare parts list directly at the Machine HMI

Transparent process information & recipe handling

  • Timeline function provides instant overview of what is happening at the machine
  • Complete transparency over the process history and parameter changes enabling easy analysis
  • Recipe management with automatic recipe versioning to easily restore previous versions
  • Sophisticated search function gives insight into all alarm history for better analysis

HMI integration into the line

  • Integration of different user interfaces in the line
  • Thanks to the system's open design also older GEA machines and 3rd pary equipment can be integrated
  • Helps increase operator productivity and easy access
  • Easy handling from one user interface for the complete line

Retrofitting a GEA SmartControl HMI

The new GEA SmartControl HMI can also be retrofitted to existing machines, adding value and new functions to previously installed units as well. Depending on the year of manufacture, this can be done by replacing the HMI system or upgrading the control system to the latest standard.

Key features

Key features
New role-based user management
GEA SmartControl HMI | User management printscreen

Permission assignments to role

A new role-based user management with fine granular permission system supports better adaptation to the needs of your team structure. Raise process safety and reflect responsibilities according to your organisational setup. The management of individual users is accompanied by more comfort. For example, the language selected by the user is automatically set when logging in. Several methods are support for authentication. It starts with simple shared passwords, supports the usage of RFID transponders, and goes as far as the usage of Active Directory (LDAP) for a central management.

GEA SmartControl HMI | Timeline printscreen

Timeline shows all important events at a glance

The new timeline feature gives an immediate overview on what happened at the machine. Showing constantly the performance and important events, it brings users instantly up to date. Was a parameter changed? Since when is the machine stopped? Look at the timeline. Need to align with a colleague of the next shift? Look at the timeline.

Advanced recipe management
GEA SmartControl HMI | Recipe management printscreen

Recipe versioning lets you track when and by whom changes where made

Managing recipes (process parameters) is an important step to establish good control of the process. Undocumented changes to recipes will not be a hassle for you anymore. GEA SmartControl HMI provides automatic recipe versioning. Saving a recipe automatically creates a new version and by that makes changes traceable (when and who). Mistakes can easily be undone by restoring previous versions.

Line integration
GEA SmartControl HMI | Line integration printscreen

Line View gives access to other user interfaces (incl. 3rd-party)

A food processing line can be long and not all equipment is easily accessible. GEA SmartControl HMI allows integration of user interfaces from equipment in the line to facilitate the access. The open design allows not only to integrate GEA SmartControl equipment, also older GEA machines, or third-party equipment. Devices like printers or weighers can be accessed at ease by the operator, raising ergonomics and efficiency of the line.

Multi-HMI scenarios
GEA SmartControl HMI | Multi-HMI printscreen

Access to other GEA SmartControl HMI devices

If two or more HMIs are required for an efficient operation of the equipment, the new GEA SmartControl HMI supports multi-HMI scenarios. This allows for example to place HMIs in different hygienic areas with true concurrent operation.

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