这种三相分离需要相对高数量的稀释水。 在橄榄油生产中,GEA 还提供三相卧螺离心机,用于处理橄榄油回收过程中产生的废水。 它们可减少废水量及其 COD 值,相对于所处理的橄榄数量, 油厂可因此额外得到多达0.5%的出油量。 对于棕榈油回收,我们的三相卧螺离心机, 可用于传统的及原油的工艺装置。
The big advantage of the 2-phase separating decanter for olive and palm oil recovery is the enormous savings when it comes to dilution water.
Nozzle separators are used in the conventional process with vertical clarifiers in palm oil mills. GEA also offers special nozzle separators to the palm oil industry in order to recover oil from sterilizer condensate.
Even the best centrifuges cannot function optimally if they are not partnered with control systems of equal quality. For their range of separators and decanters, GEA offers standardized as well as tailor-made solutions for machine automation with many features to meet customer requirements.
Polishing separators from GEA ensure the required premium quality of olive, palm, avocado and many other recovered vegetable oils by removing all residues while handling the product with extreme care
Stay stronger with GEA Service Level Agreements
健康快乐的奶牛是成功和可持续牛奶生产的关键。因此,保持奶牛健康是每个奶农努力的核心。奶牛的健康受到许多因素影响,例如根据奶牛个体需求进行适当喂养、良好的饲养条件以及新鲜的空气、水和光照。而且,挤奶方式对奶牛的健康状况也有很大的影响。GEA 因其“优质挤奶理念”而闻名,不断致力于进一步发展,并在动物健康和牛奶质量方面取得更好的成果。
各行各业都在努力实现净零排放目标,同时遵守严格的脱碳法规和立法。与此同时,公司必须平衡日益增长的质量、产品开发和工艺优化需求,此外,还必须努力提高盈利能力。应对这一挑战需要采取 GEA 提供的协作和整体方法。
咖啡、可可、牛奶、肉类、鱼类和蛋类 - 这些日常主食在很大程度上依赖集约农业。随着新食品技术的兴起,我们有了更多可持续的替代品。我们采访了 GEA 液体、发酵和灌装部门的高级副总裁 Reimar Gutte 博士,探讨其中的可能性和政策。