GEA Bulk Powder fillers are designed to pack a wide variety of powdered products into flexible intermediate bulk containers (FIBC), bulk bags, big bags, jumbo bags, and super sacks, as well as rigid containers such as bins, boxes and totes.
We offer three ranges of big bag fillers: the SmartFil, HYGiBulk and BBS series. Our solutions include fully manual operation - for low throughput with moderate bag handling and semi-automated solutions for higher throughput. The systems are configured according to the requirements of low, medium and high care area operation.
Features include top-weighing systems, bag inflation and base compaction for maximum filling efficiency. Our focus is on delivering a stable pack that reduces the risk of spillage and subsequent product loss and is also safe to handle and store.
Our design objectives include
Using a unique top weighing system, the GEA range of bulk bag fillers ensures reliable and accurate filling by eliminating the effect of bag inflation on final fill weight whilst removing the need to adjust the height of the filling head to suit different bag lengths.
An inert gas packing option means that GEA can provide solutions to extend the product shelf-life.
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GEA 的高关注集装粉末灌装机设计用于以符合卫生的方式将干燥的自流食品、乳制品和保健食品粉末或颗粒状物料包装到柔性集装袋 (FIBC)、集装袋和大袋子中。我们的集装袋系统 (BBS) 系列能够在卫生条件下以高达 12 公吨/小时的变化速度准确地灌装集装袋。
GEA HYGiBulk 粉末灌装机系列提供灵活的 FIBC 灌装解决方案,满足了集装粉末工厂的需求。
GEA 改良的空气包装 (M.A.P.) 技术正在帮助客户延长其粉状产品的保质期。通过去除粉末中的氧气并用惰性气体代替,可以将粉状产品的风味保持更长时间。
GEA 的大型袋灌装机设计用于将各种粉状产品包装到柔性袋(FIBC)中。我们提供三种类型的大型袋灌装机 - SmartFil BBF、HYGiBulk 以及 BBS-S 和 BBS-D - 具有多种手动和半自动灌装操作选项。