Intro text title

Main description text

If the text is really long you can add show more. The component decides where it cuts of the text. 

Vivamus nec magna in quam laoreet sodales id vitae magna. Nam mi velit, sagittis quis fermentum sit amet, efficitur eu nibh. Fusce vehicula faucibus dapibus. Nam varius massa sed diam vehicula placerat. Pellentesque vehicula eu purus eu dictum. Donec mi ligula, ultricies bibendum erat id, consectetur

Portion forms / Packs/Bag types

Here you can add the portion forms or the pack/bag types that are relevant for the product.

Key benefits

Benefit 1

  • Proof of benefit 1
  • Proof of benefit 1
  • Proof of benefit 1

Benefit 2

  • Proof of benefit 2
  • Proof of benefit 2
  • Proof of benefit 2

Benefit 3

  • Proof of benefit 3
  • Proof of benefit 3
  • Proof of benefit 3

Title for Features and/or Add-ons

Icon dummy

Feature 1

You can add some explaining short content here or link to a dedicated page.

Icon dummy

Feature 2

You can add some explaining short content here or link to a dedicated page.

Icon dummy

Feature 3

You can add some explaining short content here or link to a dedicated page.

Icon dummy

Feature 4

You can add some explaining short content here or link to a dedicated page.

Technical details

The online team suggest to create the table in word and then paste via word icon in the editor. 

Table details

Type 1

Type 2

Detail 1



Detail 2



Detail 3




GEA Group AG

Extra headline for the highligt


Here you can add a link to an event, trade fair, customer story, application page etc. 



GEA InsightPartner data-driven insights for food production

GEA InsightPartner for food processing and packaging equipment

By providing instant access to real-time equipment data, InsightPartner helps food processors manage their production better. Our cloud-based solution provides advanced analytics and comprehensive insights based on continuous data monitoring.

GEA RemotePartner | Remote operational support for your food production

GEA RemotePartner for food processing and packaging equipment

GEA RemotePartner combines digital machine access and remote support to help you swiftly identify the root cause of any equipment issue and get instant assistance from GEA experts. The result: faster issue diagnostics and resolution, enhanced machine performance, greater efficiency and minimal downtime.

GEA First Aid Kits

GEA First Aid Kits


GEA food forming plates – different forming plate sets

GEA InsightPartner for food processing and packaging equipment

By providing instant access to real-time equipment data, InsightPartner helps food processors manage their production better. Our cloud-based solution provides advanced analytics and comprehensive insights based on continuous data monitoring.

GEA food forming plates – different forming plate sets

GEA RemotePartner for food processing and packaging equipment

GEA RemotePartner combines digital machine access and remote support to help you swiftly identify the root cause of any equipment issue and get instant assistance from GEA experts. The result: faster issue diagnostics and resolution, enhanced machine performance, greater efficiency and minimal downtime.

GEA 洞察

Filtration sensation: The washing machine principle

Engineering innovation often takes the form of incremental gains. Once in a while, it takes a leap. Case in point: The washing machine. Launched in September 2022, two new GEA software solutions are upending convention and delivering...

GEA 服务:全球生产线背后的生命线

全球四分之一的意大利面条、每二升啤酒和四分之一的加工牛奶都依赖于 GEA 机械。当生产线需要关注时,GEA 服务团队会介入解决问题或从一开始就防止问题发生。通过将机器和工艺知识与数字工具和解决方案相结合,GEA 可以帮助客户提高生产力并更可持续地生产。


位于波兰科沙林的 GEA 设施树立了卫生泵生产的标杆。该多功能基地将数十年的德国工程专业知识与先进的数字化和可扩展解决方案相结合。这是满足食品、饮料和制药等行业日益增长的需求的大胆举措。

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