The ability to apply lean fluid processes, and to guarantee top quality products and adapt rapidly to meet the the needs of a constantly changing market are critical to success in the highly competitive global brewing industry.
If a plant is to meet fully the requirements of brewery markets and customers, it must be designed according to the latest process technology standards, i.e., as a highly flexible system that can undergo optimization on an ongoing basis to ensure reliability and product safety.
A detailed knowledge of products and processes in general, and of the art of beer-brewing in particular, are prerequisite to this flexibility. As are proven innovative strength and, of course, top class precision engineering in the production and assembly of plants.
GEA is a leading provider of components, systems and services for brewery process technology, and has as its clients all the major breweries around the world. Customers derive two simultaneous partnership benefits when they work with us: GEA can design and realize customized, turnkey plants, but we can also provide and implement individual components to enhance the performance of existing systems.
The extensive know-how of GEA engineers and project managers will ensure that your brewery will be ready for production, on time, and that it looks and operates as you imagine and expect it to. Our conceptual approach, even at the greenfield stage, means that we can ensure life-cycle costs are kept to a minimum, whether in the brewhouse, the cold process area, or with respect to utilities, or process automation.
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GEA is a leading global specialist with a comprehensive understanding of your brewhouse. Talk to us about GEA solutions for successful breweries.
GEA offers a complete portfolio of technologies for the cold process area in your brewery.
From single-step infusion ale recipes to sophisticated multi-step decoction mashing regimes, GEA provides the right technologies and equipment so you can make your beer exactly your way.
GEA Codex® Process Control هو إطار عمل مفتوح يتضمن المعايير المقررة لتصميم واجهة استخدام الآلة، والتي تشمل التنبيهات والهندسة الموزّعة ووحدات التحكم المرن، بالإضافة إلى معالجات المنصات الرائدة مثل Siemens وRockwell وWonderware
A day of celebration: 150 years brewing systems at GEA
GEA Beverage - Filtration De-alcoholization Process
Looking to the future of beer for our 150th
يضع تغير المناخ والنمو السكاني العالمي ضغوطًا متزايدة على صناعة الأغذية كثيفة الاستهلاك للطاقة لإطعام المزيد من الناس دون الإضرار بالكوكب، ويشرح جورج شيبرد، مدير تكنولوجيا الاستدامة العالمية في GEA، كيف تستخدم GEA خبرتها الهندسية لمساعدة المعالجات على الإنتاج بشكل أكثر استدامة مع زيادة الإنتاجية.
The world's population is growing and with it demand for milk. Dairy is an essential component of many global diets. However, its production can be resource-intensive and impact the environment. GEA’s Christian Müller, Senior Director Sustainability Farm Technologies, sheds light on how technological innovations powered by GEA make milk production more efficient and profitable.
كل مشروب آمن وكل قضمة من غذاء هما انتصار على التهديدات الميكروبية غير المرئية - وهي معركة تشكلت على مدار قرن من تصميم عمليات المعالجة النظيفة صحيًا. تضع GEA معيار الصناعة لمعدات المعالجة التي تحمي الأغذية وتنقذ الأرواح، وذلك بفضل أكثر من 100 عام من الخبرة في الهندسة والمعرفة بالتصميم النظيف صحيًا.