Van der Mey, the Netherlands | Making better ham and bacon

Making stable, repeatable, high-quality products is an interplay between the people, the quality of raw materials, the recipe itself, the construction of your process, and the machinery you use.”– Jan Oostveen, Project Manager at Van der Mey 

– Jan Oostveen, Project Manager at Van der Mey 

Van der Mey, the Netherlands | Sliced bacon

“I think GEA chooses the same approach to the market as we do. They listen to input from their customers, translate that into concepts, and then build machines that fill the need.”– Jan Oostveen, Project Manager at Van der Mey 

– Jan Oostveen, Project Manager at Van der Mey 

Van der Mey, the Netherlands | Walking past the GEA defrosting tumblers - ColdSteam T
GEA 60 years of food processig innovation

Pioneering food processing technologies

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