Dubai World Trade Centre | November 5-7 | Hall 1, Booth D1-4

GEA at Gulfood Manufacturing 2024: Re:think food tech

RE:THINK FOOD TECH – GEA at Gulfood Manufacturing 2024
GEA centrifuges for for concentrated, fermented dairy products

Centrifuges for concentrated, fermented dairy products

For 50+ years, GEA has innovated in both separator design and production process development for strained yogurt, quark and fresh cheeses

GEA Centrifuge Water Saving Unit

GEA Centrifuge Water Saving Unit

Compact unit to limit the water consumption for cooling purposes of centrifuges by 99.9% compared to conventional cooling.

GEA NiSoMate® Quality Analyzer

GEA NiSoMate® Quality Analyzer

GEA NiSoMate® is the unique in-line real-time quality monitoring system capable to measure the product quality and to continuously adjust the operating parameters.

GEA ReFlow water system for plungers

GEA ReFlow water system for plungers

GEA ReFlow water system recirculates the plant water used to cool and lubricate plungers by treating the recirculating water to comply with safe water regulations, making the homogenizers environmentally more sustainable.

GEA Aseptic Blow Fill ABF

Aseptic filling solutions for sensitive beverages

Top-class sterilization technologies for any PET preform, PET/HDPE bottle and closure, designed to provide each customer with the best solution to their needs.

GEA Whitebloc Aero

Filling solutions for ESL sensitive beverages

GEA's waterless filling solutions for sensitive ESL beverages combine a sustainable and reliable container decontamination process with great operational flexibility.

GEA Omnia robotic isle

GEA Omnia robotic system

GEA robotic palletizing solutions encompassing dynamic products and services aimed at increasing end-of-line packaging efficiency.

مجفف الرذاذ GEA FILTERMAT®

Spray drying of difficult-to-dry products

The FILTERMAT® spray dryer efficiently and gently transforms heat-sensitive and difficult-to-dry products into free-flowing, agglomerated powders.

GEA AddCool® heat pump solution

GEA AddCool® for a more sustainable spray drying

GEA's cutting-edge high-temperature heat pump solution enables you to reduce the carbon footprint of your spray drying plant by minimizing fossil fuel and primary energy consumption.

GEA UHT plants for liquid products

GEA UHT plants for liquid products

Choose the optimal thermal product treatment for the UHT process - from indirect, product to product, direct (infusion or injection) to pilot plant.

GEA pasteurizers for liquid products

GEA Pasteurizers for liquid products

We offer a range of technical solutions for optimized pasteurization with minimal quality loss. GEA has developed specialized systems for certain industries to ensure microbiological stabilization in a cost- and energy-efficient manner.

GEA vaculiq Vacuum Spiral Filter

GEA vaculiq for the juicing of fruits and vegetables

Keeps the vitamins in: vacuum juicing for more quality and yield.

تلقَّ الأخبار من GEA

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