Versatile solutions in response to the challenges of gluten-free pasta production.
A gluten-free pasta is defined as quality if it meets precise requirements in terms of organoleptic characteristics and expectations of markets and consumers. To be in line with this principle, both the production process and the finished product must correctly interpret the market in which they are found, through constant technological development that allows gluten-free pasta to be made worldwide.
The versatility of GEA's production lines for gluten free pasta make it possible to process different types and formats of aglutinic pasta:
Crafting gluten-free pasta of superior quality is now more achievable than ever, thanks to GEA's advanced technology. By leveraging the natural starches in alternative raw materials such as rice, corn, tapioca, lentils, beans, fava beans, and chickpeas, GEA's state-of-the-art processing solutions facilitate the gelatinization process essential for producing gluten-free pasta that doesn't compromise on texture or structure.
Drying is a critical phase in gluten-free pasta production, where meticulous control is paramount to achieve the desired quality attributes such as color, fragrance, and texture. GEA's advanced drying systems are pivotal in fine-tuning these attributes of gluten-free pasta. By expertly regulating temperature, humidity, and airflow, GEA technology ensures that the final product not only meets but exceeds customer expectations, delivering pasta that is consistently perfect in every aspect.
Thanks to the GEA’s lines versatility during the starch gelatinization phase, we have realized a product with superior characteristics, without added additives in the dry blend such as emulsifier and alginates, resulting in a product which is made from 100% native legume flour.
Plus, our dedicated R&D area, complete with pilot plants, flexible production lines, and cutting-edge analysis laboratories, ensures that every aspect of pasta production is meticulously tested and optimized.
At GEA, we are able to offer complete solutions for the production of gluten-free pasta, embracing every stage of the production cycle; from the management of raw materials to the final packaging of the product. Thanks to our extensive experience in the pasta market, we have developed state-of-the-art technologies that enable us to respond precisely to the needs of an ever-changing market.
Our capabilities extend beyond the boundaries of simple production, touching the very essence of food science. With in-depth knowledge of food gelatinization processes, we help our customers by analyzing starch to ensure the optimal quality of the final product. Each ingredient is processed with its unique characteristics in mind, ensuring that its intrinsic value is never compromised during processing.
The flexibility of our process lines allows our customers to process a wide range of agglutinic raw materials, tailoring production to specific industry requirements. We provide advanced technologies for processing native flours, supporting tailored gelatinization that respects the quality of the finished product. Our goal is to provide food manufacturers with the tools they need to meet and satisfy the tastes and culinary traditions of an international audience, thus celebrating unity in the diversity of the food world through innovative technological solutions.
In gluten-free recipe development, starch's binding properties are pivotal. However, gelatinized starch can lead to dough swelling, affecting the final product's thickness.
To mitigate this, GEA meticulously adjusts extrusion parameters and dies construction based on raw material behavior. Working closely with R&D, we ensure optimal dies selection and parameter adjustment, enhancing efficiency and product quality in the ever-expanding gluten-free market.
GEA Dies and Moulds Department studies and develops systems that cover all the shaping process phases in pasta and snack processing lines, including shaping, cutting, cleaning and maintenance of the dies. GEA provides equipment...
GEA experience and know-how in pasta production is reflected in the study of packaging solutions aimed at improving the appeal of the final product. Our in-depth expertise in each stage of the dry pasta production chain enables...
GEA offers complete systems or individual machines for conveying, dosing, cleaning, recycling and storage of flour, grains and short pasta. Our advanced technology, applied to design and production, makes it possible to optimize...
Take the first step towards a flavorful, gluten-free future. Take the first step towards a flavorful, gluten-free future. Download our brochure to discover the possibilities and unlock a world of culinary innovation. Delve into the intricate details of our production process and learn how GEA technologies can elevate your gluten-free pasta production.
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الآلات المصممة خصيصًا لأشكال المعكرونة الطويلة مثل السباغيتي والبوكاتيني تم تحسينها باستمرار على مر السنين من حيث سرعة التعبئة والتغليف وتقليل النفايات. يمكن توفير الآلات أيضًا كوحدات التعبئة والتغليف، والتي تتميز بنظام معايرة للجرعات ومُقترنة بسعة تعبئة الآلة.
تضمن GEA هندسة وتطوير وتصنيع حلول التعبئة والتغليف الأكثر تقدمًا، والمناسبة لتلبية الاحتياجات المتغيرة باستمرار في أسواق الأغذية. توفر الأنظمة الحلول المناسبة لحفظ المعكرونة القصيرة الجافة، ومناولتها باستخدام عبوات معروفة جيدًا مثل أكياس الوسائد أو الأكياس مسطحة القاع أو الأكياس المستطيلة أو الأكياس ذات لوح التقوية.
The new die washing units have been designed using state of the art technology in order to match modern pasta manufacturers requirements: they combine sturdiness with the efficiency of an innovative system capable to decrease washing cycle time up to 50% when compared to traditional equipment.
أنظمة الوزن عالية الدقة للمعكرونة القصيرة، والتي يمكن إقرانها بآلات التعبئة والتغليف العمودية، مما يضمن الدقة والكفاءة العالية. وهي متوفرة بأشكال مختلفة حسب سعة المنشأة.
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