Liquid Dosage
The processing of blood into its various components must meet the very highest requirements to ensure clinical excellence. Because of the inherent variability of the source material and the absolute need for product purity, the demands placed on systems used to manufacture blood- and plasma-derived products are huge. Gentle process conditions and high quality equipment are essential.
A specialist in this field, GEA uses its experience and expertise to unite a range of technologies to create complete processing plants for blood plasma processing, including controlled precipitation, centrifugation and filtration for solid/liquid separation, thermal and chemical inactivation, ultrafiltration/diafiltration, nanofiltration and chromatography. The company has successfully planned and built plants for blood plasma fractionation all over the world.
GEA supplies plant and components for fractionation, concentration, pre- and post-virus inactivation, purification and buffer production, storage and distribution. As well as being an aseptic process, blood plasma fractionation involves precise cooling of the separation vessel at various stages, requiring highly accurate control systems. Depending on the application, plasma may need to be frozen to –30 °C within 60 minutes. GEA can supply equipment to accurately maintain such extremely low temperatures.
An essential part of high-quality blood plasma production is an integrated CIP/SIP system. GEA provides efficient cleaning and sterilization processes to meet your individual demands and to ensure that sterile media is delivered to the right place at the right time. We offer a wide range of cleaning options, from mobile, independent cleaning systems up to diverse CIP satellites fed with conditioned cleaning solutions.
In addition, the process must comply with a large number of national and international standards and statutory provisions. Manufacturers expect great precision in the manufacture and assembly of their process plant; every detail of the design must comply with the highest standards to avoid production errors. Using high-performance processing equipment from GEA helps to guarantee reliable production.
Whatever you need your process plant for — from the fractionation and manufacture of products such as immunoglobulins or human albumins to Factor VIII/Factor IX — our wide range of plant concepts will provide for any task to be performed in a safe and cost-effective way and take account of any specific requirements or conditions.
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Aseptic valves face exceptionally high demands within UltraClean and Aseptic processes. You can be assured that they all provide highest quality in terms of hygienic design and sustainability.
GEA Hilge offers a versatile range of centrifugal and positive displacement pumps for a wide variety of sensitive applications in the beverage, food and pharmaceutical industries.
GEA's thorough understanding of the lyophilization process enables them to supply a comprehensive range of products and services, comprising laboratory equipment, pilot plants for research and small-scale production batches, industrial size pharmaceutical production freeze dryers.
يُعد التصميم والتطوير وإنتاج نظم التحميل والتفريغ للاستخدامات في العديد من الصناعات هو الأختصاص الأساسي لمجموعة GEA. ومهما كان المنتج أو العملية، فإن الحلول القياسية أو المصممة حسب الحاجة، سواء كانت تعمل يدويًا أو مؤتمتة بالكامل، يمكن بناؤها وتسليمها لتلبية الاحتياجات الفردية لعملائنا.
تشكل عمليات GEA المبتكرة علامة فارقة في المعالجة المسبقة للوقود الحيوي مثل الزيت النباتي المعالج بالهيدروجين ووقود الطيران المستدام. من خلال التخلص من عملية التبييض، تستفيد الشركات المصنعة من إمكانات توفير كبيرة: تكاليف تشغيل أقل بنسبة تزيد عن 50% وانبعاثات أقل من ثاني أكسيد الكربون بنسبة تصل إلى 12%.
يضع تغير المناخ والنمو السكاني العالمي ضغوطًا متزايدة على صناعة الأغذية كثيفة الاستهلاك للطاقة لإطعام المزيد من الناس دون الإضرار بالكوكب، ويشرح جورج شيبرد، مدير تكنولوجيا الاستدامة العالمية في GEA، كيف تستخدم GEA خبرتها الهندسية لمساعدة المعالجات على الإنتاج بشكل أكثر استدامة مع زيادة الإنتاجية.