Liquid Dosage


Vaccines, biological preparations that provide active acquired immunity to a particular disease, are among the 20th century’s most successful and cost-effective public health tools. As system integrators and liquid processing specialists, GEA has the scale, the know-how and the flexibility required to meet your specific application requirements.

The GEA Advantage

With access to some of the world's most advanced manufacturing equipment and a wealth of expertise and experience to call on, GEA fundamentally understands the processes involved in vaccine production, the capabilities of the technologies employed and the engineering required to ensure that they operate at optimum capacity with the lowest maintenance.

From the planning phase up to the construction and automation of turnkey plants and process lines, which conform to stringent hygienic and regulatory requirements, GEA is dedicated to developing and supplying customer-orientated solutions, including aseptic process management, optimum cleaning capability, closed product handling, compliance with GMP requirements, gentle product treatment, the efficient recovery of active ingredients and reliable scale-up.

Equipment Specialists

GEA’s technologies include mechanical separation, fermentation, high-pressure homogenization and cell rupture, freeze drying, aseptic spray drying, plant control systems (SCADA and MES) and more. Our product portfolio also includes a range of batch and continuous mixing, blending and formulation systems, including standard and custom-designed solutions for media preparation and formulation, as well as automation, data collection and CIP/SIP solutions.

With its unique blend of expertise and experience, GEA supplies standalone machines or package units that guarantee a high yield of valuable substances and operate efficiently, reliably and economically. Whether large or small, GEA can add value to any vaccine production project.


رؤى GEA

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تلقَّ الأخبار من GEA

ابق على تواصل مع ابتكارات وقصص GEA من خلال الاشتراك في النشرات المقدمة من GEA.

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