GEA developed a range of standard skid mounted units suitable for the production of liquid food concentrates. IceCon® provides an affordable solution for producing high quality concentrates, without losing quality. The losses in the discharged water are negligible.
This generally produces water that can be re-used in any up/downstream processes or can be sent straight to the drain. The newly developed compact series will be offered as a complete solution.
All relevant components for running a freeze concentration plant are installed on three modules that make up the IceCon® Compact equipment range, meeting the standards for container transport. The modules will be commissioned and tested before shipment ensuring a smooth and fast installation and startup period.
The freeze concentrator requires only electricity and by installing a pre-cooling skid energy can be recovered for an even further reduced CO2 footprint.
Unit | Compact 25 | Compact 40 | Compact 60 | |
Dewatering range | [kg/h] | 100-200 | 200-450 | 450-900 |
Skid dimensions (l x b x h) | [m] | 5 x 4 x 5 | 6 x 4.5 x 5.5 | 6 x 4.5 x 6 |
Footprint (l x b x h), incl. maintenance area | [m] | 7 x 6 x 8 | 8 x 7 x 9 | 8 x 7 x 9 |
Estimated operating weight | [kg] | 6,000 | 12,000 | 20,000 |
Filling volume | [m3] | 2 | 4.5 | 8 |
Installed power (excl. chiller) | [kW] | 14 | 27 | 44 |
GEA Freeze Concentration for premium concentrates in the food industry. Concentrate the taste.
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