Water Deaerating Systems

GEA VARIDOX-C cold water deaeration system

Oxygen in beer or beverages may increase product perishability and spoil taste, so using optimally deaerated water for beverage manufacture and for the redilution of beer can have an impact on final quality. The GEA VARIDOX-C cold water deaeration system achieves very low residual oxygen levels, and can be used for different applications.

Deaeration of beverage water

The water is sprayed in the deaeration column and it slowly trickles down the packed columns. At the column outlet the water is saturated with CO2 (N2). If the water is to be used for blending a carbonated product, a precarbonation option is available, configured with a second, separate CO2 line that feeds CO2 to the deaerated water (after the deaeration column).

The system includes probes for flow rate, water or CIP media levels, and, optionally, for oxygen. These sensors monitor the system and how it is functioning. The product line and column are cleaned directly by an efficient CIP system.


  • Low residual oxygen content: <0.03 mg/l (30 ppb)
  • Residual oxygen content of: <0.02 mg/l (20 ppb) and <0.01 mg/l (10 ppb), achievable, dependent on configured column height 
  • Low CO2 consumption
  • Low operating costs, when compared with technology for deaeration under vacuum
  • Short installation time (the unit is pre-assembled)
  • Low maintenance costs
  • Can be supplied for flow rates between 20 hl/h and 1,000 hl/h

Technical data

  • Water inlet pressure: 2 bar
  • Water temperature: >10°C
  • Control air pressure: 6-8 bar
  • Materials: 1.4301 / EPDM
  • CO2 admission pressure: 6-8 bar
  • CO2 consumption: 0.3–0.8 g/l
  • CO2 included in the water: 1.7–2.2 g/l
  • CO2 supply: 2–3 g/l
  • CO2 quality: >99.998% purity


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