Geflügel, Fleisch & Seefisch/Meeresfrüchte
Homestyle breading is a fast growing trend for coating bone-in poultry products as well as boneless tenders or fillets. Even formed products increase in value when given a golden homestyle coating. The traditional homestyle coating is mostly created by hand as it appears to be difficult to reproduce the flakey look and crunchy texture on an industrial scale. This results in the dilemma for food processors to compromise on the authenticity of the coating or use a labor-intensive and therefore expensive process. Read about GEA's innovative solution for this dilemma.
Maintaining flour condition is essential to get the authentic homestyle coating. It is important to keep the flour dampness consistent throughout the production run in order to deliver uniform product quality and maximum process efficiency. This is best achieved by keeping the flour level to a minimum and adding fresh flour at the same rate it is being consumed. The flour delivery system on the GEA MultiDrum manages this in the perfect way
To meet the challenges poultry processors face in re-creating homestyle coating, GEA has developed an innovative multi-drum breader. The patented GEA MultiDrum authentically re-creates homestyle breading and significantly reduces the need for manual labor. The tumble motion of a drum gives a homestyle appearance, but this comes at a price in terms of process steps, manning levels and other process drawbacks.
Before the MultiDrum you basically had to choose between an authentic look but with low production efficiency, or a non-authentic appearance with better efficiency. Thanks to GEA's innovative homestyle breader with multiple drums this is in the past. This unique multi-drum breading technology is only available on GEA coating machines. Tumbling the products in a drum ensures a homestyle appearance, and there are no augers in the design so the potential for blockage is minimized. After tumbling, excess flour falls through slits and is constantly cycled back into the machine. At the outfeed, products exit evenly spread across the belt and there is no need for additional spreading machines or manual workers.
Complete Homestyle coating line from Defrosting to Packaging
To re-create the authentic homestyle coating in an automated industrial environment, GEA’s integrated line solution gives the true homestyle look, feel and taste in a highly cost-effective way.
Moy Park in Craigavon, Northern Ireland specializes in the production of fresh poultry products. The company was an early adopter of GEA MultiDrum breaders. Watch the video and find out how the MultiDrum is helping Moy Park to meet day-to-day challenges, develop new products and enhance productivity across the company’s extensive range of fresh chicken, made just the way customers like.
GEA has a full range of best-in-class equipment that can be incorporated into the homestyle coating line. The line starts with brine injection, massaging and tumbling to add value to the products in terms of enhanced flavor, more appetizing color, higher yield and an appealing bite. The next step is the coating process. During this process step, the products subsequently undergo pre-dust coating, batter coating and flour coating.
GEA’s technology is exceptionally successful in offering efficient use of ingredients, dust-free production and consistent and high-quality batter mixtures to ensure optimal coating pick-up and coating retention. After coating, the homestyle products need to be flash fried to set the coating. When frying coated products, the use of flour always influences the life and quality of the cooking oil. Frying is essential to set the coating, and flour will always be left in the oil. The GEA EasyFry can be fitted with the high capacity Oberlin Oil Filter that filters out particles down to one micron in size. It is a fully automatic, continuous process that produces dry sediment. In most processes, the products also pass through a two-zone GEA CookStar spiral over that efficiently cooks in the first zone to seal in moisture and boost yield and provide a crispy coating in the second zone.
GEA also offers a complete range of spiral freezers, horizontal thermoformer packaging machines and vertical baggers to enable the complete line solution to be specified with integrated control software for optimum automation.
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