
Fresh enhanced poultry

Fresh enhanced poultry offers more than increased shelf life. It has evolved into a way of adding value to the products in terms enhanced flavor, more appetizing color, higher yield and an appealing bite.

Fresh enhanced poultry | chicken fillet

2mm OptiFlex needles

Exceptionally high number of injection points with unique 2mm OptiFlex material improves brine distribution, prevents bent or broken needles, bone or skin damage and needle marks .


Needle cassette design

Patented needle cassette design for complete and tool less change-over for cleaning or replacement within less than 10 minutes.


Time-in-Meat technique

Thanks to GEA's technology, the so-called Time-in-Meat is optimized to the height of the product which leads to better brine uptake and more even brine distribution.

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GEA PowerHeat

Boost productivity up to 10% and save energy up to 30%.

Perfekt geformte Nuggets
Tempura nuggets in basket
Tempura coated poultry products | Unique GEA complete line solution
Fresh enhanced poultry | chicken fillet in thermoforming pack MAP

Discover a typical fresh enhanced poultry process

GEA scanbrine brine mixing equipment

The starting point for successful marination is a homogeneously mixed brine. Carefully formulated brine that is mixed and stored under tightly controlled conditions will enhance the value, consistency and safety of the end product.

GEA MultiJector 2mm with chicken wings

Accurate brine injection needs a little finesse. GEA offers injectors with very dense injection patterns and smooth vertical movement to optimize 'Time-in-Meat' that is further evolved since the beginning in 1969. The more injection points, the better the brine retention. GEA MultiJector's injection head sets needles close to the product for maximum distribution with adjusted pressure. The unique 2mm OptiFlex needles are at the heart of the injector and are stronger than traditional stainless steel and have the superior property of recovering their shape over and over again instead of being deformed or bent. A brine cooler alongside the injector offers exact temperature control, keeps brine circulating and avoids sedimentation. And the GEA MultiShakers in combination with the flip-over drip-off conveyor at the outfeed, shake-off excess brine from both sides of the product and start the activation of proteins, which also close the remaining needle marks.


Packaging with our thermoformers


GEA Insights

GEA und Pulmuone ehren Generationen von Kaltnudel-Kochkünstlern

Als der südkoreanische Lebensmittelhersteller Pulmuone die F&E-Experten von GEA vor die Herausforderung stellte, eine moderne Variante der traditionellen kalten bissfesten Nudeln (Naengmyeon) zu entwickeln, waren sie sofort zur Stelle. Ihr Beitrag war entscheidend bei der Entwicklung dessen, was heute ein Verkaufsschlager ist und mit weniger Wasser und Energie hergestellt wird als mit herkömmlichen Methoden. Und das Ergebnis bleibt den traditionellen Ursprüngen des Gerichts und den Wurzeln von Pulmuone in Punkten wie Gesundheit, Wohlbefinden und Nachhaltigkeit treu.

Mit GEA gegen die Wasserkrise

Im weltweiten Ringen um Wassersicherheit leisten GEA-Technologien zum Einsparen und Aufbereiten von Wasser einen wichtigen Beitrag. Sie helfen, den Verbrauch zu senken, Verschwendung zu vermeiden und Verschmutzung zu reduzieren – in Fabriken, Landwirtschaftsbetrieben und Städten auf der ganzen Welt.

Pre2Fuel: Bereit zum Durchstarten

50 Prozent weniger Betriebskosten und 12 Prozent geringere CO2-Emissionen mit der neuen HVO- und SAF-Vorbehandlung von GEA,

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