Gas compression


Compression technologies are at the heart of many critical processes in the oil, gas and power industries and throughout the value chain. Choosing the right solution provider is critical for demanding customers who are focused on the performance of their plant and driven by optimal solutions.

Our solutions for power generation include fuel gas boosting utilizing GEA’s 28-, 52-, and 63-bar pressure-rated oil-flooded screw compressors on our custom-engineered packages to efficiently deliver natural gas in a wide range of required pressures for injection into gas turbines.


  • Fuel boosters for gas turbines;
  • Mixed hydrocarbon compression;
  • Vapor recovery;
  • Flare-gas recovery;
  • CO2 compression and liquefaction;
  • Chilling systems and gas-turbine-inlet-air-cooling systems.
A GEA propane refrigeration compressor package for turbine inlet air cooling  featuring a model 1920S oil-flooded screw compressor operating at 2,700 HP.

A GEA propane refrigeration compressor package for turbine inlet air cooling featuring a model 1920S oil-flooded screw compressor operating at 2,700 HP.

Global presence, custom solutions

Industry-leading companies worldwide utilize GEA solutions. After understanding your unique challenges and requirements, GEA draws from its global resources to provide you with the optimal, customized solution to meet your needs.

We invite you to contact us to learn more about our process refrigeration and gas compression solutions.

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GEA Insights

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