NOx emission reduction

GEA bilgEGR Solution

GEA bilgEGR Solution is a combined Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) and oily bilge water system designed to treat water on board ships. After treatment, the purified water can be discharged into the sea.

GEA bilgEGR Solution

Two-in-one solution

When implementing Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) technology in marine engines, it is necessary to consider the treatment of EGR wash water before its discharge into the sea.

During the EGR process, the recirculated exhaust gas come into contact with contaminants such as soot, sulfur compounds, and acidic components. As a result, the wash water generated from cleaning the EGR system can contain pollutants that need to be treated to ensure compliance with environmental regulations.

The GEA bilgEGR Solution is a system designed for both bilge water treatment and EGR wash water purification. GEA bilgEGR Solution is a practical installation for minimizing the equipment and installation costs associated with the discharge of EGR wash water and bilge water on board. This is achieved through proper design and control of the combined system. 

GEA EGR Module

Type approved system

The arrangement of a combined discharge system is already approved by DNV Class. 

In accordance with the class rules, the system is fully flushed twice before switching from bilge water treatment to EGR wash water treatment. This ensures that the fluids are handled separately.

Existing bilge systems can be retrofitted by adding an additional module to the system.

Key benefits

  • Economic two-in-one solution with minimal space requirement in the engine room
  • DNV type approved
  • High-efficiency integrated direct drive
  • Reduced energy consumption and low operating costs
  • Easily exchangeable drive system
  • Ready for smart connectivity
  • PLC controlled flushing of system
Marine Services

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Pushing the limits

The GEA marine Separator

Pushing the limits

The GEA marine Separator, with its integrated direct drive, offers ultra-simple servicing and smart connectivity in a compact design. With double service intervals, a 20-minute clean time, and easy drive exchanges, it ensures fast, efficient maintenance and top performance in the marine market.


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