
GEA offers three (“wet”, “semi-dry” and “dry”) Sorptive Processes for Flue Gas Desulphurization (FGD) and for other acidic compounds.

GEA is the right partner, providing customers around the world with complete support for all aspects of emission control to comply with the highest air emission standards.

GEA has several process options available for the secure removal of SOx and other acidic compounds.

Different sorptive processes allow the removal of sulfur oxides (SOx) from flue gases produced from power stations, industrial combustion, chemical manufacturing and mineral ore processing. FGD (Flue Gas Desulphurization) systems are categorized as either “wet”, “semi-dry” or “dry” according to the phase in which the flue gas reactions take place.

GEA offers Emission Control proven solutions utilizing the below mentioned sorption technologies:

  • Wet scrubber systems that use a liquid absorbent.
  • Spray Drying Absorbers (SDA) are semi-dry systems in which a solid sorbent is diluted with a small amount of water.
  • Dry Sorbent Injection (DSI) injects dry sorbent directly into a flow reactor or in front of dedusting devices providing enough time for chemical reaction.


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