Every Granulation and Drying plant from GEA is a unique union of proven technology and individual solutions. Whether the granulation line is for batch or continuous production, we supply plants for cGMP production configured to meet the customer’s specific requirements. Our granulation and drying plants and process expertise is based on experience and R&D. With plants installed around the world and literally thousands of tests performed, we have established a solid base of expertise related to the needs of the pharmaceutical, nutraceutical and food industries.
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Committed to providing flexible, modular equipment to support research and development in the pharmaceutical industry, the multipurpose AirConnect from GEA delivers a range of fluid bed processing solutions for small-scale applications.
The ConsiGma® CF20 test rig is a standalone module that allows you to characterize the feeding behavior of your products during the early stages of R&D.
An indispensable part of the ConsiGma 4.0 portfolio, the Conductor 4.0 control system architecture ensures smooth operation and communication between the different elements of a pharmaceutical continuous manufacturing line
Designed to achieve optimal blending results, the ConsiGma® DB modules facilitate the testing of dosing and blending operations and can be integrated with any continuous up- or downstream process.
Healthy and happy cows are the key to successful and sustainable milk production. Keeping their cows healthy, therefore, is at the heart of every dairy farmer’s effort. Many factors influence the well-being of a cow, such as...
In allen Branchen arbeiten Unternehmen hart daran, die Ziele der Netto-Null-Emissionen zu erreichen, während sie sich mit strengen Vorschriften und Gesetzen zur Dekarbonisierung auseinandersetzen. Parallel dazu müssen Betriebe...
Kaffee, Kakao, Milch, Fleisch, Fisch, Ei – alles Produkte des täglichen Lebens, die intensiver Landwirtschaft bedürfen. Nachhaltigere Alternativen sind gesucht und New-Food-Technologie macht diese möglich. Wir bitten Dr. Reimar...