Pharmaceutical R&D Technology
Building on the success of the well-established PharmaConnect® system, GEA now offers a new range of modular fluidized bed technologies: AirConnect.
Based on the outstanding success of PharmaConnect®, the AirConnect has been developed by GEA to meet the pharmaceutical industry's requirements for unit operation flexibility and is based on the proven principle that a single core component can be used for numerous processes by interchanging a range of application-specific modules.
Designed to utilize the company’s market-leading fluidized bed technology, and capable of running batches from as little as 200 g to more than 10 kg, the AirConnect not only performs fluid bed drying, but, when combined with the class-leading Flexstream device, can also be used for side-spray granulation and coating. More conventional top spray granulation processes are also possible and, in addition, the AirConnect can be integrated with GEA’s Precision-Coater for bottom spray micro-pellet coating.
Furthermore, AirConnect is also designed to work with GEA’s ConsiGma® continuous coater and FlexCoater technologies, offering rapid, high quality tablet coating functionality.
The AirConnect from GEA is the ultimate fluid bed processor for small-scale research and production applications. Suitable for granulating, drying and coating, the AirConnect accelerates and optimises product development by minimizing the amount of scale-up required to move from R&D-level batch processing to full-scale continuous production systems.
PharmaConnect® allows a number of diverse process modules to be docked to one control unit, including high shear granulation, pelletization and blending, coating.
FlexStream™ ist ein neuer Mehrzweckprozessor, der die aktuellen Defizite der herkömmlichen Wirbelschichtverarbeitung beseitigt, einschließlich der linearen Aufwärtsskalierung und des vollständig umschlossenen Be- und Entladens bei pharmazeutischen Anwendungen.
GEA liefert Wirbelschichtprozessoren (in den USA als Multi-Prozessor™ bekannt) für das Mischen, die Granulation, die Trocknung, die Pelletisierung und die Beschichtung in der pharmazeutischen Industrie.
GEA has expanded its popular PharmaConnect® system with the introduction of PharmaConnect®-PLUS, extending the unit’s high shear granulation capacity to encompass batch sizes of up to 60 kg.
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